Monday, February 22, 2016

Nigga, Please! White Lives Don't Matter

What exactly ISN'T the MEDIA saying about a certain outrageous case?

While some tabloids are gleefully showing pix of this white girl looking like spoiled pork roast at Tesco's, with her face swollen in some places and bashed inward in others, NOBODY is pointing out the obvious.

She figured it was a GOOD idea to find a roommate on CRAIGSLIST and a BLACK GUY was JUST THE THING.

This twat is clinging to life, and if she survives she might be so scarred she'll never get a glance in her direction from anyone but a very drunk Puerto Rican.

Any reporter asking her friends or family why she thought it was a safe, good idea to have a MALE roommate at all? Much less a stranger? Much less a Black stranger?

My guess is that she was buying into the hype that crime stats are all racist. And let's forget that stereotype of the pimp-like black guy who knocks up white girls, or knocks their heads in, and then storms out.

Come on everyone, let's just say she DESERVED IT, and she set the guy off, and we all know that slavery 150 years ago is something no black man can forget. The Jews get told the Holocaust didn't happen and if it did, it didn't matter, but Blacks can ride the slavery excuse as not only a great reasons to be coddled, but as a defense against savage violence.

Whenever there's a case like this (how about the "North African" who raped and murdered the Italian girl) NOBODY says "Well, it's Looking for Mr. Chocolate-Covered Goodbar. A DUMB IDEA."

What's the media hoping, that running gruesome photos of this girl, and scary shots of the Nigga will prevent some good-hearted Liberal white girl from ending up beaten up or dead?

And where are the "White Lives Matter" memes?

IF I'M BEING HONEST, the Media's efforts to ignore color tend to backfire, big time. Just ask this woman's relatives and friends. The odds of her being beaten to a pulp by some white guy were a lot less. AND, the odds of her being beaten to a pulp by a female roommate, just about NIL.

So the Media runs a picture of a scary Nigga and a white girl who is now not looking so good, and...making sure "comments are moderated."

Deny the obvious. Live to regret it. If you live at all.

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