Monday, February 15, 2016

Oooh, let's all adore Fat Bitch Cow Adele for being DOWN TO EARTH

A bunch of pictures of ugly bint ADELE turn up...

And she looks like any ordinary jolly cow who is overbreeding the world.

Nobody recognizes her because she's not wearing a pound of make-up and standing in front of carefully placed lights.

Nope, she's just a blob with her hairy ugly boyfriend and her stupid kid wearing a fairy skirt and being pushed along because he's too PRECIOUS to walk.

And...the great unwashed leave brainless comments:

She's SO NATURAL...lovely skin...isn't it wonderful she isn't affected by fame...what a loving GO, Girl!...her last album was a treat...

PS, she's SO protected that the tabloids MODERATE the comments, lest somebody say something negative about Her Royal Blobness.

Hey, Assange, so much for "Freedom of Speech," right?

Here's a phony twat who does NOT have an especially great or original voice, and has made a fortune bellowing tedious dirges about heartbreak and revenge and hearts and flowers.

It's not enough she hoards Grammy awards and presses them to her bosom like a sow with five piglets. It's not enough she has more money than 80% of the UK combined. She has to be seen pulling stupid faces and pushing her spawn around, and be cheered for it.

The eventual break-up when this hairy clown gets tired of being called Mr. Adele, will, sad to say, only make her MORE popular. She'll toss off a dozen fresh "angry and bitter" and "sad but hopeful" and "smiling through the tears" ballads before she moves on to somebody else.

Meanwhile, all the adoring peasants, not content with wasting their money on her tripe, send her fan mail, and coo and gasp at every gruesome photo in the tabloids.

When is this hippo going to cover "Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud..." and then drown in it?

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