Tuesday, September 16, 2014


When Steve Jobs was around, Apple had a sort of mild, hippie-dippie spokesman who countered the evil of GOOGLE and ASSANGE and NAPSTER and BOZO BEZOS OF AMAZON and the rest of the big "players" on the Net.

You got the idea Jobs was really sincere in offering a company that could, somehow, NOT be total bastards.

That's changed. First, Apple couldn't do much about Jobs dying. They couldn't do anything with the truth of their product: that it was being made by a bunch of slaves in China. But, hippie-yuppies being what they are, they conveniently overlooked this, because Apple was offering sleek, cool products and the alternatives were worse. Besides, nobody was telling Apple fans (including me) that: "You are a bunch of elitist fuckheads who are really Chinese slave-owners."

Huh? Do you have any idea how much I love having a product that doesn't break down every other day? That is almost impervious to viruses? FUCK YOU!

Unfortunately, the bright Apple, the beautiful symbol of Adam & Eve, great technology and, of course, The Beatles...was getting tarnished. Rotting.

While my Apple-loving colleagues didn't mind throwing more and more money at each new version of the iPod and iPad, and every fucking PHONE the company made...all it did was make the Job-less company more God-less and cynical.

Hey, they realized, "people are STUPIDLY buying EVERYTHING as fast as they can! All we have to do is put a new number in front of it, add a whistle or two, and they are STUPIDLY making their old items obsolete and hardly worth much on EBAY!

"All we have to do is give people a new operating system, a new fucking "improvement" on a phone every year, and they not only buy online...they are actually standing ON LINE to get into our beautiful shops!" and be the FIRST to BUY...tourists have made Apple Stores their fucking mecca!

Even the hideous U2 scandal, and the way their "clouds" were easily hacked because stupid naked actresses fell for the Hansy Password dodge, couldn't stop Apple from bobbing temptingly on the waters of mediocrity. And now?

There's still insane excitement over every new iPad, phone, cloud, whatever...and quietly, something died. I mean, besides Steve Jobs. It's the iPod. Sorry little teenager...

As you'd expect, the death of a baby, or a teen, doesn't mean a hill of beans in this world...aside from the random blogger/writer, who the fuck cares? There's now some kind of iWatch. There's the iPad that people wander around with, looking stupid, pointing it at buildings, staring at it on the bus. There's the PHONES, PHONES, PHONES. Does anyone miss a simple object that only gave us music and a radio? Music, a radio, and a sneaky movie camera? Apparently not.

Will these devices somehow becomes collectors items...whether they work or not...or just more junk for the oceans to not so much swallow as chew on? Who knows. Who cares.

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