Saturday, September 27, 2014

Nice Toys, Traitor Thom Yorke

I noticed in an issue of NME a week ago, this big beautiful picture of one of the onionhead members of Radiohead, posing at the studio where he, band members, and solo ho' Thom Yorke play.

Look at all the toys.

Do YOU have a set-up like that? Do most indie bands? Singers?

No, I think most people have a shitty ProTools set-up on their computer, a cheap microphone, and that's about it. What they have is barely adequate for uploading something stupid to YouTube. If they self-pressed an album to sell at can be sure the complaints are "ew, this sounds home-made..." and "you used fake drums and almost all the instruments are sampled," etc.

This Thom Yorke prick, who smugly announced he was selling six songs for $6 via the thieving world of Bit-Torrent...could afford to GIVE the fucking thing away. His "new paradigm" is simply being famous enough that he doesn't need much publicity or promotion to let people know he's recorded some shit.

No, traitor Tom, that's NOT how it works for anyone else...the indie artists, the old-timers, the vast majority of performers who are struggling, unable to get their work heard, unable to get paid, unable to afford a fucking fancy studio like YOU CAN.

People get the idea that progrock people are somehow so caring...have such insight...are deeply concerned with the state of the world. Then you have a piece of shit like Thom Yorke that tells you the exact opposite.

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