Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mohamed El-Erian monkey-faced PIMCO pimp content with $100 million

Aw, isn't this a romantic story? A fucking monkey-ugly Arab who ran some weasel-shit "investment" business called PIMPCO (or something) has quit his job.

At 56, he declared to the world that he wants to spend more time with the trophy-wife (who did NOT marry him for his looks) and his brat. In Cal E. Fornia, of course, NOT anywhere in the Middle East, where a Sunni or a Turd or a Kurd or a Wombat might behead him for facing Mecca the wrong way.

He made 100 MILLION in ONE YEAR. I guess he's set for a while. But let me tell you, Ugly Mo (to use your rap name), your raw bacon-like thin slab of penis is going to wilt into a permanent state of flaccid repulsiveness. Your spoiled brat daughter is going to do drugs and/or fuck black guys, and come to think of it, so will your trophy wife. Your options will be to sue for divorce, take drugs, or fuck black guys.

Very few people have ever used their wealth wisely. Most in fact, become reclusive, and cowardly, rightly afraid of being kidnapped or killed. Mohamed could amuse himself by hiring the best hackers in the world to take on and destroy the worst of them. He could dress as an ordinary ugly Arab scumbag and secretly leave envelopes containing thousands of dollars at the bodegas of poor, hardworking people. He could change the lives of millions of people with what to him is pocket change. He could have fun out-bidding "gotta have it" idiots on eBay and creating a "Museum of Stupid Shit."

But he probably gives a lot of money to the crooked politicians instead, and to wretched excesses that rival Kimye for sheer arrogance. Gold plated toilets, most likely.

I suppose we should be glad that THIS particular creep, who looks like Omar Sharif's scrotum, is on OUR side, and not (to our knowledge) funneling drug money to ISIS (or ISIF as they apparently prefer to be called). We should be flattered he is showing off his blonde trophy wife, and isn't content with a gorilla-faced monster with no labia or clitoris. We should be delighted that he's a symbol of Capitalism at its finest, and the trickle down effect of being a big prick and pissing on everyone who barely earns a minimum wage.

Look, I don't know the guy, never heard of Pimpco, but the odds of him being a nice guy are a million to one. Make that ONE HUNDRED MILLION to one. In other words, Fuck YOU, Mohamed El-Erian, your retired life will be nothing but failing health, humiliation and misery. You'll just have plenty of money to spend on drugs, psychiatry, and black guys.

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