Sunday, September 7, 2014

Little Shits from FAPPENING get farted by the Fuck Heads of REDDIT

Can you keep track of coy and stupid names for Internet shits and farts?

I mean, every other day some new inane name emerges...4Chan, Fappening, Reddit...WHATEVER...and it turns out this latest group of geeks have the power to be...ANONYMOUS, ASSANGE, PIRATE BAY...who knows what else.

The shorthand is simple:

Fucking LOSERS spend their lives fucking around on their laptops because they can't get a WOMAN on their laps.

So they create viruses, go on power trips, have everyone to pieces, and create stupid names for themselves and/or stupid names for their favorite activity.

Since we're talking about pimply boys in mommmy's basement, the main reason for 4CHAN or REDDIT or whatever idiot name they come up to FAP.

FAP, FAP, FAP...all day long. FAP, FAP, FAP.

FAP, in case you're not a pimply teenager or have to associate with one, means MASTURBATE. Ooooh, what a thrill. What a unique thing to do. Gosh, nobody ever thought of THAT before. You "FAP" to somebody "TWERKING." Or to a "SHAVED SNIZ." OOOOOOOOOH.

So...the latest news amount Mongoloids with Autism, which seems to cover most of the FAP crowd, is that a few of the more likely sources for blurry stupid Selfies or idiotic Photoshop jobs...are actually deciding, "Hey, this is NOT kewl."

You know, like after the gang rape, one of the guys put a blanket over the girl before running off?

Or maybe the graffiti artists decide NOT to spray-paint a church?

It's called "having a conscience."

SO..."Reddit" or "Fapped IT" or now taking the totally meaningless and gratuitous and ridiculous measure of...allowing DMCA's.


It means that if some underage Olympic medalist who found her nude selfies stolen...can send an e-mail with her name, address and phone number, and say, "Please, sirs, remove those items from your website..."

And they'll only appear on a zillion OTHER websites. And she's supposed to spend her life doing that. Meanwhile, none of the pimply assholes responsible for spreading this stolen shit around...have to do jail time or pay any kind of fine.

It's the EBAY world. The GOOGLE world. The "we're just a venue" world. The "we can't wipe our own asses, control our own members, figure out how to stop being total dickheads" world.

Just make sure to give us another chance. Don't take away our laptops. Don't ask us be civilized. Don't expect courtesy or empathy. Don't expect us NOT to be idiotic thieves and lowlives with nothing better to do.

Great, REDDIT, FAPPED IT, BING BONG GOOGLE SNAP TWERK AND POP, have all decided to allow a DMCA. Big fucking deal. It solves nothing. What's needed is to let the Bitcoin Bozos go ahead and flood the world, so that hackers can divert the Bitcoins and pay for prostitutes, so they won't have to be FAPPING all day long to STOLEN PHOTOS.

Christ, no matter how much you HATE the Internet, it's impossible to keep up.

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