Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Stupid Drunk Girls and Racist Black Monsters

In the daily search for amusement, people can get disgusting.

The news is full of a pig-faced load of shit named Jesse, who, it turns out, is a serial rapist-murderer. His DNA will probably be found in, on, or around the bodies of various girls who went missing. There probably are many girls still lying and rotting somewhere with his DNA on them, and girls whose bodies were found too late for DNA evidence to be collected.

What hasn't been touched on, of course, is two very obvious facts. SOME girls are stupid, and their idea of amusement is incredibly stupid. You do NOT get so wasted you can barely stagger out of the bar. You do NOT get so wasted you trust a BLACK guy to take care of you.

And, sorry, black guys who troll around the bars late at night, waiting to pounce on white drunk girls they can rape and kill...are racist bastards who should be put in front of a firing squad and shot. No life in prison. No waste of taxpayer money on their food and upkeep. Shot. Dead.

Gosh, white girls drunk and/or alone and then "gone missing." What a fucking surprise. What a literally fucking "amusement" for a black bastard who is going to commit racially motivated crimes and not be charged for them. Oh, no, it's a coincidence they were all white. We save the "hate crime" extra 20 years in jail for whites perps only.

Yeah, chicks who wouldn't give some black thug the time of day...give him their lives. Chicks who would insist that they are smart (going to college proving this) and are independent WOMEN who can take care of themselves...end up used and discarded. By THIS blubber-faced ass-lipped monster:

Don't call a spade a spade. As usual, black crimes against whites are never considered "hate" crimes. Because white people deserve it, and because whites are the majority so picking on them is just the law of averages. And don't call a stupid drunk girl a stupid drunk girl...out of respect for her family? Can't we even have a headline saying: DRUNK GIRL GOT HERSELF KILLED? Can we have enough sanity to point out when somebody did something stupid? You don't leave your car unlocked, your windows open, your credit card on a table...and you don't go out alone and get so wasted you end up tossed in a garbage dump or thrown into the woods like a stained mattress.

Nobody is going to learn much from the usual "girl gone missing, found dead" headline. Showing a picture of a pretty girl and an ugly monkey-faced load of shit...is not graphic enough. No... ...The headlines should've been BLACK RACIST PREDATOR TARGETED STUPID DRUNK WHITE GIRLS. Or something like that. But hey, let's not ruin anyone's "fun." Let's not let reality interfere. Let's not state the obvious. And let's not be surprised when it happens tomorrow, and the next day, and the next...

So tonight, next Friday night..."Where are you going?" "Oh, out...gonna go have some fun." "Don't go out alone and get drunk." "Ugh! I'm a WOMAN now, I can take care of myself." "And be careful about lurking blacks." "Ew, you are SO prejudiced..."

"Amusement" for some people is getting wasted...and for others, wasting someone — especially of the opposite sex and color. There should be some place in news reporting for the truth.

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