Monday, September 15, 2014

"Django Unchained" Daniele Watts plays Race Card for FAME

Who, the fuck, is Daniele Watts?

Take a look at the top picture. Even "Cleaned Up" and wearing something besides a stinky t-shirt, she doesn't look like anything. She wore a ton of make-up in "Django Unchained."

Now take a look at the picture where she's being detained by a cop. Who'd recognize her? The police were called because she'd sat her ugly self with her ugly boyfriend and started acting like the world needed to see them smooch. Or worse.

Without her make-up, as is the case with most actresses, nobody gave a second look to Daniele WATTS-WRONG-WITH-HER.

All anyone could see was a skanky ho' type of woman with a dirtbag trailer trash white slob, making the streets more nauseating than they needed to be.

The actress decided to turn this into a scene, because somebody with a camcorder was present. With tears and the usual arrogance, she DID make a fucking scene about it, alternating between hysterical woe and obnoxious threats:

“You can take me down to the court office and I can make a scene about it,” Watts told the cop. “You know that I have a publicist and I work as an actress.”

This is Hollywood, where almost EVERY bitch on the street is a would-be actress. So he replied, “I’m mildly interested, I’m mildly interested that you have a publicist,” and added, “Thank you for bringing up the race card. I never hear that.”

Watts began to carry on via, naturally, a cell phone call:

“Daddy, Daddy, I can’t believe it — all the things that are happening with the cops right now. I can’t even make out with my boyfriend in front of my fucking studio without getting the cops called on me! I don’t have to give him my ID because it’s my right to sit on the fucking street corner and make out with my boyfriend! That’s my right!”

Yowzuh. Your right, you called it, Naomi. In some law books, it IS called "disorderly conduct" and "disturbing the peace," and you DO have a room you can go to? Why be obnoxious and lascivious in public, except that you get off on slobbering on some redneck-looking potato-complexioned piece of shit? And he's so proud that he's able to deal with your lips and not have to call in some tow-truck company's Kanye Z to help him out. (Look, you wanna play race cards, you come to the right place. And I'm being POLITE for a change).

The fact here, is that the police received a call, a complaint, that some whore and her john were being lewd in public. When they came to investigate, it sure looked like the complaint was right. Said the cop:

"Somebody called, which gives me the right to be here. So It gives me the right to identify you by law."

And she wouldn't cough up an ID. Instead she preferred to squeal and huff:

"Do you know how many times the cops have been called just for being black?"

Naomi played it for all it's worth. Maybe it'll get her some work, especially for a part that requires an out-of-control black woman prone to screaming, crying, playing the race card, being a belligerent pain in the ass.

“Keep yelling, it really helps, it really helps,” the cop noted. He also pointed out that if she showed her ID (to prove she wasn't a crack whore being nasty in public) "I'd already be gone." She was also alerted that her boyfriend was not in handcuffs because he was cooperative. SHE was not.

The cop explained that if she was innocent, and showed ID, the incident would've been over:

“Not wanted for murder, nothing? Do you see what time it is? Fifteen minutes ago I would have been gone.” “I bet you, you’re a little bit racist,” she insisted. “Hey this is your job, (hassling) crazy bat shit fuckers like me every day of the week, right? That’s what you signed up for, I signed up for freedom. I thought America was land of the free and home of the brave, you know. I’m pretty fucking brave but I don’t go around putting people in handcuffs.I serve freedom and love. You guys serve detainment. That’s cool, that’s cool, that’s fine.”

Hey, it's all good, Naomi. You got your name and your stupid face in the papers, and that's all that matters. And the white guy? Oh, he be famous, too. EVERYBODY is famous these days, because there are hundreds of cable TV channels. He's something called "Cheffy Be Live" a so-called "Celebrity Chef." He seized this opportunity to call attention to himself with a classy post on his FARCEBOOK page:

He sneered that police "saw a tatted RAWKer white boy and a hot bootie shorted black girl and thought we were a HO & a TRICK."

It took ID to prove them wrong, because that's exactly what these two creeps look like.

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