Saturday, September 27, 2014

OKLAHOMA...once a head-hunter always a head-hunter

What a surprise. NOT.

How stupid are the people in immigration? They let any chimp out of a crate and into America?

This reminds me of Travis the Chimp, the animal (literally, of course) that pulled a woman's face off and destroyed her life. The woman's idiot friend had kept the chimp for years, with no problem. But sure enough, one day this animal, already fucked up on drugs and booze, went berserk.

The human monkey that not only killed but decapitated a middle-aged lady...he wasn't on drugs or booze, that we know of. He was just a brainless savage who snapped easily when he didn't get everything he wanted...which was to get paid for doing nothing

This savage, whose grandparents probably decapitated people, had a streak of psycho in him, and it was getting worse. He had a FARCEBOOK page all about his fucking Islam, and his desire to kill people. Nobody noticed...or could say anything? He was allowed to walk around the office yapping at everyone to convert to HIS religion or die? He finally got his ass fired, and so he went berserk?

This fucking orangutan coward couldn't even pick on another man, he had to kill a middle-aged woman who couldn't possibly fight back? That's ISLAM for you...misogynistic and crazy and homicidal and disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Where's Yusuf the Cat to say that this is NOT the real Islam? How come the fucking Muslims who are supposedly nice, and clean, and tolerant of others...don't open their fucking yaps now and then and SAY something?

This could have been not importing this monster in the first place. By monitoring every fucking Muslim who has a FARCEBOOK page. Boot fucking Muslims out of the country. If you let any remain, put them through some psychological testing, and make sure they have a job, are rational, and don't display violent tendencies. That could help.

How lovely, the UK and USA being so full of white guilt they're now so full of black crazies. America is so fucking stupid they let entire broods of maniacs set up and take over entire towns and villages. There's a Somali area of Minnesota! Yeah...we need Somali Pirates in America? What the fuck for? We got 'em, we're nurturing them...and guess who have joined Isis? Wow, some of the fucking Somali bastards who emigrated to Minnesota. They didn't like it they want to go to Syria and Iraq and help kill any whitey who dares to try and educate the people there, or trade with them fairly and honestly.

Some British guy who isn't even a real soldier...he's part of a fucking marching band...gets decapitated right on a fucking street. Anyone talking about it anymore besides ME? Everyone's forgotten?

Maybe there's a faint memory, and it's helped Camoron to finally join other countries in at least condemning ISIS. You've got "The Beatles" (talk about fucking obnoxiousness) racing into the Middle East just to kill people, show off the heads, and help recruit MORE fucking maniacs.

That's the point...ISIS makes millions a day on oil...somehow they are selling (to Putin?) and being able to pay for more and more soldiers. They're actually importing Muslim maniacs who know all about England and America because they lived there...the ingrate chimps. They get British Muslims who name themselves after The Beatles...and wage insane war.

The only good thing I can say about this latest insanity, is that it has to upset Roger Waters. I mean, spindly, death-mask shit-for-brains Roger keeps insisting, as does Dizzy Desi the Toot and Peter Gabriel and Eno and some other assholes...that ISRAEL is the "apartheid" nation that practices "genocide." Now? Now they have to sulk and add America. Yeah, I've seen it all over the Net lately: "Look at the poor Syrian children killed by those bad, bad American bombs. Ooh, ohh, why can't those mean Americans ONLY kill ISIS soldiers? How come they have to kill some widdle kiddies? Look at these poor dead snookies? Wahhhh...

Yeah? FUCK YOU. Remember London during WW2. Civilians were being bombed. Anyone care to ask some British families about children, fathers, mothers and grandparents who got killed? That's war, babies. That's fucking war, and that's why it's not a good thing.

And the best way to PREVENT war is to do something about the fucking Muslims. THEY are the ones who are murderous and savage and insane and unwilling to be civilized. The British, the Americans, the Israelis, even the fucking stupid Dutch Douchebags...they aren't going on TV showing how they behead innocent people. That's the MUSLIM game. And we stupidly encourage Muslims to emigrate...when it's been proven that they are ingrates and thugs and only want to destroy our way of life?

Perhaps the Oklahoma situation...a fucking moron beheading a woman because he's a psycho bully and a coward...maybe it'll flash some words into the brains of the American public: DO NOT IMPORT MUSLIMS. The country does not NEED immigration of any kind, but certainly not MUSLIMS.

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