Monday, October 6, 2014

Blacks "Pulled It Off" - Disrupting Whites Enjoying the St. Louis Symphony

The media. Like any corporation, any money-making group, the media can be bought.

The media can be corrupt. The media can be guilty...liberal or conservative...of distorting the facts and slanting what is supposed to be unbiased news reporting.

A disgusting example of this is coming out of St. Louis. A law-breaking protest is being lauded as something brilliant. "We pulled it off!" "Congratulations!" "The message got through!"

Take a look at THIS:

I've already commented on the disgusting event itself.

Now, a few words on the blacklash...the fawning and the lame tributes that substitute for a news report.

All this story deserved was a local paragraph: St. Louis Symphony performance disrupted by Brown protestors. Yawn. This lets you know that if you're in St. Louis, what happened in Ferguson is still pissing off a lot of people with nothing better to do. Be real, there are angry people in the world just waiting for a cause, any cause. THIS suited some people.

Instead, the white media seized on this idiot story because a) they are guilty marshmallows and b) nobody got was a "peaceful" protest, and let's encourage these maniacs to not get violent.

So we have the spin doctoring...interviews with the "brave" protestors who share their excitement over "pulling it off." We have coverage of wimpy audience members and wimpy orchestra members who applauded (nevermind this was a gutless "we're on your side" attempt to save their "lily white" skins).

This overblown story sends a message that interrupting somebody's art form is GOOD, as long as it's white, affluent people who are made to suffer. Hell, we all laughed when the Marx Brothers destroyed "A Night at the Opera." We all got a vicarious thrill out of it...because WE weren't in the paying audience. So let's have no sympathy for people momentarily terrorized and unsure if they were going to be made hostage or get gunned down in their seats. They deserved it for being white.

Take your protest signs down to the fucking police station and march around? Nah, not a good idea. Go do it at a symphony orchestra concert.

It's outrageous the amount of pro-protestor coverage this story has gotten...just more encouragement for people to do as they please anywhere they like...if their alibi is being Black. Not Puerto Rican. Not Mexican. Certainly not Jewish. Absolutely not White.

What would've happened if a group of peaceful whites went to a rap concert and unfurled a banner protesting the death of Christopher Lane? Lane was the Australian tourist shot in the back by a bunch of black teenagers. It happened in Kansas. Anyone concerned that white people are being singled out for abuse by black gangs, that white women are singled out by black rapists, that white guys on the street get sucker-punched because it's a "game" that black thugs like to play or that some get slashed in the face because black gang members need that to be welcomed into a gang?

The Liberal media jumped on this. The Conservative media finds other, equally odious things to jump on. It's not reporting. Not when it's so heavily slanted and so selectively pulled from the daily news items that could be put on the front page.

If it suits your agenda, bad behavior is just fine. Remember when Kanye West grabbed the microphone away from Taylor Swift, and began bitching that the wrong girl won a music award? Nobody slanted that one, because his protest was a stupid one, and he was Kanye West, master of stupidity. People felt badly for Taylor Swift, still a neophyte, whose joy in winning one of her first major awards was ruined.

You don't pick and choose which rude, bad behavior to applaud or deride. Especially if you're supposed to be a reporter delivering unbiased news.

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