Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Oh What Fun: Downloading ADOBE FLASH TEN TIMES A DAY

Isn't it INSANE that the entire fucking Internet is run by ADOBE FLASH?

Why does ONE FUCKING COMPANY have this much power?

What's next? They start charging $10 a month?

How many fucking times do you have to DOWNLOAD THE LATEST VERSION of this fucking program...EVEN if you've ticked every fucking box for "AUTOMATIC UPDATES?"

Why haven't I heard on the news that the CEO of ADOBE FLASH was beaten up and thrown into a river and drowned?

One thing you have to say for Hitler's spawn, GOOGLE...the search engine is always up and working. You can always find your illegal downloads and your porn. Like Mussolini and his trains, Czar Brin and his Fascist mob know how to keep something working.

Not so with ADOBE FLASH.

In a related story, APPLE is having a "BLOCKED PLUGIN" war with YouTube. Their SAFARI browser will NOT play YouTube. You can spend your life going from forum to forum, asking WHY, asking HOW TO FIX THIS, and you'll get a variety of dunderheads giving you the wrong information, or dangerous "fixes" that could screw up your computer forever.

Know what I say? MORE! BRING IT ON! Let's have MORE of the MORON GAMES. If that's what it takes to get people OFF the fucking Internet...I say MORE!

Maybe it'll be the fucking MODEM that never lights up, and constantly flickers off, requiring constant phone calls to Gunga Douchebag in India, who sing-songs an hour's worth of stupid shit. (This always includes "Unplug it...let's wait 20 minutes.."

Maybe it'll be identity theft. Wifi blown out. A cable not working that requires a visit from a moron scheduled for next week sometime. How about another high-profile hack of Ebay or Target or somebody else that has your credit card information? Hackers bragging they've got everyone's passwords.

BRING IT ON. We've become reliant on slender threads of wires, and invisible "wireless" connections that anyone can intercept. The entire fucking world can be brought to a stand-still just by ADOBE FLASH deciding to play more of their wonky games.

And always, the low muttering is: "I don't have that problem with my browser. I have GOOGLE chrome which works great with GOOGLE's YouTube. I use GOOGLE payments for my GOOGLE glasses and everything else GOOGLE makes..."

Maybe it's GOOGLE fucking up everything so people rush to the shelter of their arms? The ones that will soon have an armband with a Swastika on it?

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