Saturday, October 18, 2014

So, WHO is against "Freedom of Speech," Commies or the WTA?

Hypocrites. Fucking hypcrites. That's the World Tennis Association.

You can say anything you want about tennis players...unless they are black. Is that it?

The president of the Russian Tennis Federation, Shamil Tarpischev was on a Russian chat show, and during the frisky byplay, he joked about the Williams sisters. Ooooh! He's been banned for a YEAR from WTA events and was fined $25,000.

"Mr. Tarpischev's statements questioning their genders tarnish our great game and two of our champions," WTA cunt Stacey Allaster griped. "His derogatory remarks deserve to be condemned and he will be sanctioned."

I think the cunt Stacey Allaster should be sanctioned. How about a year of shutting her clam for being a fucking Nazi?

Isn't Russia the place where you say something and you're sent to the Gulag? Aren't we better than that? All the WTA did was tell the world that they are no better than the Commies. "Freedom of Speech" is a precious thing. It's often been abused, but the essence of it is that words should be free from the "thought police," and they ARE only words. Don't like the words? Answer back with words.

The Russian tennis leader was sitting with Elena Dementieva, one of the many women to lose to the two powerful black Americans. Face it, the Williams sisters are much bigger than the other women. Venus Williams' face resembles Sugar Ray Leonard. Look at them, and you might wonder if they passed a steroid test and if they were taking male hormones to have such powerful serves.

So...when Elena was asked what it was like to play against them...the coach jumped in and said "The Williams Brothers?"

Ha ha. Snap. He said they looked "scary."

He then said, "I have tremendous respect for them but once, one of the sisters passed next to me, and I found myself in her shadow for about 40 seconds!"


For this, Henny Tarpischev gets fined? Cunt Stacey Allaster huffed that the guy needs to apologize, and that he was "insulting" and "demeaning." He said he had "respect" for them. But yes, take a look. They are big and scary with arms like men!

What next? Come after every tennis reporter who ever joked about them? Tarpischev said he was joking, and obviously he was. If he wasn't, he would've said something about how he was up close to one of the sisters and she resembled a gorilla. You know, as Muhammad Ali said about Joe Frazier.

No question here, that if Tarpischev had made those remarks about one of the white dykes on the of the others who is oversized and mannish, no action would've been taken. But the Williams sisters are black. So let's all overreact and go nuts. Let's conveniently forget that the Williams sisters have been dominant for nearly 20 fucking years...outrageously so. If a white dyke managed to that, the white dyke would get the "man" jokes too. "Demeaning?" Maybe so. So what. People aren't allowed to be jealous, or make jokes, or get personal? It would be nice if nobody ever did...but in that case, fine everybody who makes a "demeaning" statement, not just if it's said to black players.

Christ, it's 2014, the girls are almost retired, and what IS the fuss? Serena is regarded, rightly, as one of, if not THE greatest players ever. Venus ain't too shabby either. They have been pretty classy on and off the court. Serena's meltdowns on the court...yelling at an official...have been few, and if she's sometimes moody during a press conference, so what. Freedom of Speech includes the freedom NOT to speak at all. Don't deny the obvious...they are freaks of nature, no matter what color they are, or what race. So once in a while people say so...they are big, and yes, scary. Face a Serena Williams serve fer Chrissake...many women on the tour say it's an unnerving weapon.

It's one rule for the Williams Sisters, another for everyone else. We see this so often in sports. The owner of a basketball team gripes, in the privacy of his home, that he doesn't want his slutty girlfriend posing around black guys. It makes him look like a chump. He pays his black players the same as the white. He ends up forced to sell his team. The owner of the Washington Redskins declares he'll NEVER change the name of the team, which demeans Native Americans...and that's ok. Double standard? Of course.

The double standard of huffing and puffing and protecting the Williams Sisters (whose father was reverse-racist and obnoxious for years) is ridiculous. The sisters can defend themselves. The remarks made were very mild, and hardly said in a hateful or racist way. Tomorrow, the sisters could complain about some "pasty-faced Russian guy" and get high-fived for it. They could laugh it up and say "no little white girls can beat us in doubles." I doubt anyone would fine them or tell them they couldn't play for even a week.

It would be one thing if this organization routinely fined and suspended people for any perceived racism or "demeaning" remarks but they don't. And that makes them a Communist organization in essence...a group that dictates what people can say even when they say it miles away from a tennis court.

Fortunately I'm free to say Stacey Allaster, you're a cunt. You over-reacted. Why don't you tail every single tennis player and coach and fine them every time they say something you think is "insulting" or "demeaning?" What if someone says Sharapova's got a too-small head? What if someone declares she thinks Pepsi tastes like shit? What if someone gripes that the grass at Wimbledon smells? Or that guys in white shorts look like wimps? In other words, where do you draw the line, and the color line, and play the race card and how often? And how would you like it if somebody over-ruled you and told YOU to shut the fuck up and stuff that fine up your ass and spend the next year sitting home and strumming your clit like a banjo?

Freedom of Speech means accepting that we all have different views. The Russians put people in jail for what they say. This cunt from the WTA just takes away their money and stuffs it into her bra. Fuck you, Stacey Allaster.

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