Monday, October 20, 2014

Serena, Borgella, and Fat Ass "Bullying"

Hey, Rubber Ass, it's too bad you and your sister look like men in drag...but how is joking about it "bullying?"

Serena Williams isn't happy a Fascist tennis organization stood up for her? Took $25,000 out of a guy's pocket for making a few snarky jokes? Banned him from seeing her mug in person at any tennis event for a year?

That's not enough for her? Nope.

Serena's latest quote is that remarks about looking mannish and scary were "insensitive and extremely sexist as well as racist...they were in a way bullying." In WHAT way?


Bullying is when somebody big and nasty picks on somebody weak and vulnerable. Call it mean, sexist, racist...but don't whine about bullying. That's bullshit.

What exactly does this woman want as punishment for "bullying?" The guy should pay another $25,000? Be banned for two years? Have his dick cut off so he'll more closely resemble her?

We're talking about Serena Williams...who has never been afraid to pop off and scream about Whitey getting too much money or attention. Wasn't it BULLYING when Serena mouthed off to reporters that Maria Sharapova was making money as a model and doing TV commercials only because she was WHITE?

Tell me, Serena, isn't it bullying to shout Sharapova out of endorsements and demand them for yourself?

Williams was upset that throughout white Europe, Sharapova is a bigger attraction because she looks feminine and is white? Well, fuck YOU, because in America, you don't do too badly thanks to a population that is obese and now more brown than white!

Really, it's not enough to play the race card, and make it impossible for people to make a joke about anything? One reason there are no decent comedians anymore, is that they can't speak! Can you imagine Lenny Bruce or Jackie Mason starting out today? They'd be kicked out of the clubs after two minutes. You can't make a joke about gays, about any ethnicity, or even fat people. Fat people have feelings, too. Except their asses are so huge they could sit on a cat and kill it and not know it.

Next Serena will get upset if somebody says she's got an enormous ass. Which she does. It's a miracle she can run around a tennis court with that rubbery body. we know...having a grotesque ass is now the height of beauty. The fatter the better. Remember that song about "Bertha Butt" and the butt sisters? Jimmy was joking around, but now it's serious. The standard of beauty is the full (of shit) figure of Kim Kardashian, or Serena Williams, or some dead chick named Joanne Borgella.


She died at 32. It's sad when the only way you've heard of somebody is when she dies. It turns out her big claim to fame was being a contestant on "American Idol." Ech. She also won a reality show called "Fat Chance," where fat women model fashions.

THAT is how FAT America is. Instead of urging people to stop slurping soda and scarfin' down de Fried Chicken and de burgers and de burritos...we try to pretend that obese slobs are sexy! Try telling a fat joke in public and see what happens. I have no idea if cancer does better in a fatty or not...but most doctors would tell you that being FAT is NOT HEALTHY. So why the fuck promote it? Because having a fat ass and being black is now the majority not the minority?

Sorry the woman's dead but I'm sorrier she looked like THIS:

Look at those flabby arms! She looks like she's hiding Twinkies in them. Come on, fat women SHOULD feel embarrassed. They SHOULD NOT be applauded for being able to wear "plus size" tents and look fashionable. This "plus sized model" who failed as a singer, was actually making money modeling giant sacks for Macy's and Nordstrom and other department stores.

At one time, fatties couldn't find fashionable clothes...companies didn't want to spend a fortune selling a few giant versions of their dresses, blouses and jeans. Now? Now these companies can't sell smaller sizes because there's nobody who fits them...everyone's become a FUCKING FREAKISH FATSO.

You're telling me everyone has a glandular problem, or is taking pills that cause them to swell up? I don't think so. I think this is cultural. The culture of blacks and Mexicans (and redneck white pigs) is to EAT, EAT, EAT, and then for fun, EAT SOME MORE. Snack. Have beers and pretzels. Have some greasy wings and chicken legs before the pizza order comes.

America will one day change it's name to FAT ASS ETHNIC LAND.

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