Tuesday, March 11, 2014


BELLE KNOX (aka Miriam Weeks) is so much of a star, she's doing her imitation of Greta Garbo. Sort of. She does not "vant to be left alone…" she'll grab all the publicity she can, but her latest attention-getting outburst is "leave my parents alone."

How about you all leave us alone? This story has officially becoming BOOOOO-OOOO-RING.

BELLE's latest stab at replacing a Kardashian as #1 lurid idiot story of the day, is to do a glamour pose (as opposed to how she looks under crappy harsh porno lights, sans make-up, with semen all over her face), and bitch about a piece in the London Daily Mail. Quite the spoiled little Missy, isn't she? She'll dictate who is allowed to talk to her parents, what family members to believe, and…who knows…which reporters will have to take her out to dinner before she'll talk to them. Look, when you're a "porn star" and people actually pay you to have sex, that's quite an ego trip. A year ago, she was just a homely twig from Spokane. Now, a "porn star." Which, contrary to her whining, is now a term of admiration, not derision.

The other day it was leave T-Bag Bagley alone (the guy who outed her). Now it's Mom and Dad, who can't be anything but happy knowing she enjoys getting her face lathered in sperm for $1500. All this while trumpeting her now weary feminist line that being a "sex worker" is a respectable job.

Yeah, yeah, blah-blah-woof-woof, a "sex worker" deals in a service. People need it and it's not illegal (in most states, and in some countries). If your definition of "prostitute" is doing something sexual for money, then Al Goldstein, Hugh Hefner and Henry Miller are no better than BELLE KNOX. But really, the story was ORIGINALLY about being outed and threatened with violence. That's why people (including me) were outraged.

BELLE's story was almost, but not nearly as horrific as another college tale. You may remember it: a gay student was secretly recorded while having sex. His roommate happily told the student he could bring some guy to his room for a few hours…then set the RECORD on his computer laptop. Hours later, he was showing it to his friends, outing the poor sap. The gay kid was so humiliated and embarrassed that he jumped off a bridge. No, this wasn't a racial incident (the gay kid white, his evil roomie an Indian or Pakistani Whatever. And no, since nobody thought the sensitive violinist would throw himself off a bridge, why charge the arrogant, not all that remorseful roommate with anything but, maybe, invasion of privacy?

Fortunately HE has disappeared into oblivion. We're waiting for BELLE to do likewise. Whee, the "Duke University Porn Star." I'm sure the University is thrilled that she's using their name constantly. Or is that going to be the next demand: "Stop saying I'm from Duke University." How long she'll even be there, who knows, because you can't make $40,000 to $60,000 off sleazy 20 minute porn scenes on the Internet (which some fools pay $200 or more a month to see, while others get free off KICKASS and other torrents). Belle gets $1500 per trick. But after four, five, ten at the most of these…she's done all she can do, and nobody cares anymore. You've wrecked your reputation, embarrassed your relatives, repulsed many a prospective boyfriend…and you've still got 3 more years of college to pay for. What's next, becoming a drug dealer? Declaring you're proud to help people get wasted on meth?

BELLE said she's majoring in "women's studies" (let's hold down the snickering, everyone) and hopes to become a lawyer. Funny, she didn't think about hiring a lawyer to sue Thomas Bagley, and have all those who threatened her arrested. No, she heroically went to a website and told her story, to uh, liberate all the other indifferent-looking chicks who do "facial abuse" porn. Now she's got publicity, she's probably getting $2,000 or a little more (at the moment) to make new pornos that only sleazeballs can even find (did YOU ever hear of "facial abuse" dot com before this?)

From legitimate "damsel in distress" to proud "porn star" (like we haven't heard that before) to dictator of who should be written about and who should be "left alone," the arc of BELLE KNOX is almost similar to that of AMANDA KNOX. A mildly attractive young woman with a lurid story (be it facial abuse or murder) can only hold the media's attention for so long. Then, it's SO LONG. Right. So long, BELLE KNOX, and don't let some guy's dick hit you in the ass on the way out.

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