Friday, March 21, 2014

You Mean...we can STOP "Keeping UP with the Kunty Kardashians?"

Scientifically speaking, there's a boiling point and a freezing point for everything, even shit. Even the Kardashians.

America's Great Embarrassment either has finally made everyone's blood boil, or...the over-exposure and endless trivial tempests of these twat-pots has led the cold shoulder. Or both. Is it possible that the media is FINALLY going to let go?

Yes...maybe...because the public has spoken. The BIG news is the new season of the Kardashian Kable show is getting BAD RATINGS.



Get it, MEDIA? Daily news websites? NOBODY wants to WATCH the fucking KARDASHIANS, so you DO NOT HAVE TO REPORT ON THEM ANYMORE.

We are sick of seeing sad pictures of nearly 70 year-old Bruce Jenner's gradual sex change.

We are sick of bitchy Kris Jenner's cougar-faced mug.

We are sick of Jenners in general, no matter what they wear and where they go.

We are sick of scowling Kanye West and we don't give a damn about his lump of shit daughter, stupidly named NORTH.

And most of all, we are SICK of all THREE Kardashian bitches, their fat asses, their monkey boyfriends and husbands, their air-headed babbling and their self-absorbed Kunt-trashian garbage. Reality show bimbo morons. Who annointed them royalty? Why did ANYONE ever care?

I'm cautiously optimistic. After all, evil Kris and her spawn have been written off before. And the media loves the easy way out...meaning, shooting photos of the Kardashians is like shooting smelly fish in a barrel. They are always around. It's easier for a paparazzo to just yawn and point the camera at the front gate of their homes, or at whatever party they've crashed.

I know the magazine mentality. It's such a relief to know an issue will be a sure-seller if you just throw one of the usual suspects on. If the Kardashians are really gone, that leaves Bieber and Viley Virus and maybe Gaga. Even Madonna's not a guaranteed seller, or reality show brat Honey BooBoo. Not every photographer wants to chase after Belle Knox and slip on the wet spots she leaves behind. Look at how tired the "did she do it or not" Amanda Knox story turned out!

So...MAYBE...the most horribly influential shit-show in the history of reality TV might be over and NO Kardashian or Jenner will get another.

Imagine a longer obsessed with an ugly girl's Negroid longer caring about a washed up rapper's longer shocked or titillated by a trio of silly white sluts banging black longer impressed by Kris's cheap-shit callow American version of Joan's easy if you try.

PS, this country was NEVER interested in Bruce Jenner's sad, sad plastic surgery or pathetic need to look female. My wish for him is that he takes all the money, moves to Singapore or Thailand or someplace where paparazzi assholes aren't likely to follow, and he becomes the ladyboy of his dreams...and we NEVER see the photos.


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