Monday, March 3, 2014

Ellen Degeneres, boyish lesbian, slams Liza Minelli "male impersonator"

It takes one to know one, I guess.

One of the big hoo-hahs of the Academy Award Show last night, was (aside from that Jennifer Lawrence twat tripping over herself again) a nasty moment in the opening monologue.

Ellen Degeneres, for those around the world who don't know who the fuck she is, is a "dry" comedienne who basically stole Bob Newhart's stutter-then-be-sarcastic style. As in: "“People always ask me, 'Were you funny as a child?' Well, no, I was an accountant.” (PS, not only does it sound like a Newhart line; Bob was an accountant).

She became famous only when people wondered if she was a lesbian or not. This became the focal point of her sitcom, and when people got bored with her waifish, bland antics and the show was canceled, her network was accused of being sexist. Meanwhile, she had an affair with a psycho actress. Then the actress realized she wasn't lesbian after all. And on and on. Ellen was awarded her own daytime talk show, and a vast audience of idiot women, most of them probably secretly excited by the idea of watching a lesbian, tuned in in droves. The rest, as they say, is misery. This skinny little bitch has been unavoidable ever since, with her increasingly mannish wardrobe, shorter hairstyle, and marriage to her "wife."

Ultimately she was rewarded with hosting the Oscars, even though the rest of the world has no idea who the fuck she is. But that's the arrogance of the Academy Awards, which considers itself an Earth-shaking world-wide event to be seen all over the world...while offering only ONE award for "Best Foreign Movie."

It's a tradition for the host to open with a monologue that mentions stars in the audience, especially the nominees. The jokes are supposed to be good-natured, with no more of a "zing" than you'd get from a bottle of ginger ale. Ellen pointed out Barkhad Abdi, noninated for Best Supporting Actor for "Captain Phillips." She said, "He's from Somalia — a sommelier — so he knows a lot about wine. That is impressive. Who's the wine captain now?"

Yeah. But that's the job.

Billy Crystal might've delivered the same lame joke if he was hosting. But he would've passed at taking a dig at Liza Minelli. First off, she's no longer a big star. Second, she was only there by invitation, to represent Judy Garland in a tribute to "The Wizard Of Oz" (as if having Degeneres as host wasn't enough to bring in gay viewers!).

Now, Minelli is a well-known basket case and re-hab alcoholic. Being the daughter of a fucked-up drug-addicted gay icon hasn't been easy. Why not just...leave the woman alone? At 67, it's a miracle she's still alive and able to stand upright.

So Ellen pointed at her and declared: "I have to of the most amazing Liza Minelli impersonators I have seen in my entire life!”

Then, cloaked in her trademark muddle of staring, and stuttering out a few extra words, the dagger:

“Just really, seriously. Good job, sir.”

Look at the bawling yenta next to her, roaring with laughter! Liza was clearly stung.

Nothing like being insulted by a boyish lesbian while a huge audience of your peers literally laugh in your face.

Ellen couldn't stop with "impersonator." She had to kick Liza when she was down and add the topper, "Good job, sir."

Funny...this woman who fought so hard for lesbian equality, and makes such a show of having a "wife" and wearing mannish clothes...she puts down a woman because drag queens often imitate her.

Here's Ellen showing off her "wife" at the Oscars...

I'm glad to say that some critics agree with me on the Ellen-Liza matter, and more. Hollywood Reporter: ‘As a television event, this year's Oscars was more like an endurance test - turgid, badly directed, poorly produced and featuring an endless string of tired or wince-inducing moments from host Ellen DeGeneres. ‘Even the best comedians have off nights. Even paragons of happiness and good cheer come out and tank - as DeGeneres did with her opening jokes that seemed oddly mean spirited for her (poor Liza Minelli) and set a flat tone that the telecast could never overcome....She was spotty and flat in those early comments and then tried to spice things up by appearing in the audience not just once, not just twice but -- did anyone count? - what felt like 47 times." Slate, the Internet website, added: ‘Ellen spent too much time in the audience, often doing a whole lot of nothing: saying hi to famous people, copping their chairs, asking for money. These bits were dull and baggy, as was the show in general."

Yeah, some enjoyed Ellen's bland nonsense, and like her impish personality. However a hostess picked to "dial back" the "edgy" humor of last year's Seth McFarlane, should've dialed back on insulting a woman who wasn't even a nominee.

Ellen wasn't Don Rickles attacking every celebrity in the room with "let's all laugh at everybody" venom. This poster child for sensitivity toward gays, lesbians and transgenders, directed the only nasty joke of the evening at a recovering alcoholic who is doing the best she can with her very aging face and dwindling fan base. Even Joan Rivers has enough taste to never pick on stars in the audience and humiliate them. Minelli didn't come to a comedy club hoping to be ridiculed. She was attending a supposedly classy, respectful awards show.

I'm not a fan of Minelli, but now, I'm even less of a fan of Degeneres.

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