Friday, March 14, 2014

Desperate ROCKCELLAR Magazine Sale: Free T-Shirt if you Buy One

You remember the mantra of every stupid ass in the rock-stealing forums: "Music should be FREE. Support the artist by...uh...uh...uh...buying a T-shirt!"

We discovered that this didn't work. Not that smug little Hitlers and Mephisto Devil Worshipping Cunts cared much. They shrugged, kept giving away the music, and said, "well, the music industry just needs to find a new PARADIGM." As if they knew the meaning of the word. Or had that new PARADIGM.

How many fucking t-shirts does anyone need? Most of us have grown up to the point of, even in summer, NOT wearing a stupid t-shirt with some rock group's logo on it.

ROCKCELLAR, and rather stupidly named "magazine" that actually exists pretty much as a freebie (you subscribe and read it on line), seems to be having trouble with cash flow. They don't get many ads, and they were pushing music sales. First off, people who buy music do downloads from Apple or Amazon, or get their CDs cheap on eBay. Second, most everyone steals the music, and only "supports" a few artists they really are about.

ROCKCELLAR covers the still-active "classic artists" (Elton John, Macca etc.) and are aimed at older listeners. They're trying to be a replacement for Rolling Stone, which is so full of monkey music now that if you pick up the magazine it smells of peanuts, bananas and shit. Rolling Stone has also veered from music to run pieces on the Pope, the wonderful Boston Marathon Bomber, and they even put Bieber on the cover. They've got a TV critic (Rob) who seems to spend all his life taking amphetamines and watching the tube...actually caring about idiot TV shows and somehow, like Jimmy Fallon, finding a reason to worship every no-talent in existence. Their movie critic has long been suspect. I'll leave it at that, and he can stay in his closet.

I do glance through ROCKCELLAR, and it's got some good interviews...but I have zero interest in buying crap from their online shop. Too bad. Good journalism comes at a price, but these days, nobody wants to buy an actual magazine, "virtual magazines" are too easy to bootleg, and existing as a free website with banner ads is not easy. Not everyone is like ME, giving you good things to read for free, and not sticking a Paypal "tip jar" in your face. But I'm not giving you a whole Internet magazine every month! I'm hoping ROCKCELLAR isn't in such dire distress that they'll be going under any time soon, but this isn't a positive sign.

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