Saturday, March 8, 2014

Thomas Bagley, the ugly creepy Phi Delta Theta DICKHEAD of DUKE

Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing the ugliest, creepiest, dirtiest son of a bitch on any college campus. His name is THOMAS BAGLEY.

He is a BAG OF SHIT.

He's the gutless scumbag who "outed" a fellow classmate for having made a porn film. See, it was okay for this virginal, stupid-faced masturbator to pay $200 or more a month to view his weenie-tingling porn on the website "FACIAL ABUSE." But...hypocrite dirtbag tattle-tale drip that he is... WASN'T OK for a girl known in the porn world as "Belle Knox" to be doing it.

This goofy-faced cretin, who couldn't get a girl interested in him if he paid her, must have been in a rage that Belle Knox was doing stuff he was wanking to...but wouldn't do with HIM.

Or...he's just a nasty weasel. Whatever, he began spreading the psst psst psst all over campus, and soon he got a few of his other pimply goons to go ahead and actively cyberbully the woman.

Yep, death threats, the whole bit.

Now, I'm not saying that I'll be driving by the Duke of Puke campus, or that I will look for this weasel, and show him a different kind of facial abuse.

Because I'm not a fucking parasitic little beagle like THOMAS BAGLEY and I don't play his underhanded stinky harassment games.

But I'm hoping that he's getting one hundred times worse aggravation than he inflicted on Belle Knox.

I'm saying...he who spends his time jerking off in his pants...should stop being a wet blanket hypocrite and making things miserable for one of the women he wanked to.

God what a gutless jerk this THOMAS BAGLEY is.

Belle Knox, by the way, bravely stood up to wart-dick BAGLEY, a rich dink whose mommy and daddy are paying for his tuition. She pointed out that not everybody can afford to be a brat and a loser who joins a fraternity, like PATHETIC THOMAS BAGLEY. She, having to PAY for her tuition, simply found porn to pay better than working at a god damn Burger King.

She wasn't flaunting herself on campus. She was victimized by a pervert. Yeah, sick pervert. Lots of sex workers do their jobs (hand, blow, whatever) and don't cause trouble for anyone. But THIS bastard was part of death threats, part of harassment, part of a creepy double-standard vendetta based and basted in jealousy, fear, envy and the lowest kind of misanthropic misogyny.

Hopefully, THOMAS BAGLEY, who got his kicks from watching women in "facial abuse" porn, is getting all the scorn, contempt, derision and just plain hatred he can handle. But that's all. Only up to what he can handle. I wouldn't want to see him hanging from his dorm room, with a rope around his neck, wearing nothing but one sock, and the other, smelly and caked with semen, lying underneath the chair that he kicked out from under himself.

Being an 18 year-old snot, he might at this very moment be scared to death over just what might happen to him, his shitty parents, and any of his worm-like friends, because the same people who defend BELLE KNOX include at least a FEW members of the porn world who pack heat, and muscle, and look out for their own. Got it?

THOMAS BAGLEY, put a bag over your ugly head and stay in your room for the rest of the semester. It's safer that way.

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