Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Hey, Steffen Straede. How about a bullet through your fucking head?

YOU read it RIGHT.

How about a bullet through your fucking head? What if somebody decided you were useless? That you've bred enough? That you have shit for brains? And they took out a gun and blew your head off?

How the fuck DARE you participate in and condone the killing of TWO HEALTHY LIONS and their TWO CUBS?

Because you're a shit-for-brains Danish load of cheese. Your fucking country is a disgrace. Scandinavia is a disgrace.

How about if Scandanavia was blown right off the fucking globe? How about it? I'm for it. FUCK YOU DENMARK. FUCK YOU HOLLAND. FUCK YOU SWEDEN. FUCK YOU NORWAY...You're all a bunch of frost-bitten brain-dead assholes. FUCK YOU ALL. You're useless. You bring nothing to the world.

You remember the fucking Copenhagen Zoo. Wonderful Wonderful Copenhagen Zoo?

They shot a giraffe in the head, ripped it apart in public, and threw the pieces to the lions.

How's that for entertainment?

Now they decided to go back...and shoot the lions!

Then what? Maybe they gave some of the pieces to shit-head STEFFEN STRAEDE? Lion burgers, STEFFEN, you obnoxious Danish cocksucker bastard?

You know what the Wonderful Wonderful Copenhagen zoo could've done? Given the lions to another zoo.

Nah, too expensive. Just shoot them.

Maybe the Zoo will do that to STEFFEN STRAEDE, the shit-brain. "Hey, we don't need Steffen anymore. Get a gun..."

I can think of a few Swedish meatballs and "pirates" who should be shot. Some fuckheads in Holland that are on the "government teat" and doing no good. How about that, Scandanavia? If you assholes aren't doing anything productive, shouldn't you be shot through the head?

There was a news item today in America...the Greatest Country in the World...about a problem with salmon. See, there's a drought in California. Rivers and lakes are at a quarter of their capacity. It means that salmon not only have a bumpy ride going upstream, but might not make it at all. What did the Great State of California do? Shoot the salmon? Organize a big fish fry? No, fuckhead Steffen Straede, they did NOT.

They engineered huge pipes, diverted the fish into giant tankers, and DROVE THE FISH 250 MILES UP THE COAST to set them free!

Nobody said, "Oh, let's kill 'em...they don't matter..." No, that's what DENMARK does. That's what COPENHAGEN is about. That's what gutless brainless STEFFEN STRAEDE is about.

If the denizens of Denmark don't boycott the Copenhagen Zoo, or beat the shit out of Steffen Straede, it only proves what I've written: That SCANDINAVIA is a collection of useless space-wastes. The last person of any worth born in Denmark was Victor Borge, and HE LEFT THE COUNTRY. He moved to AMERICA where there is much more compassion for not only people, but animals as well.

FUCK YOU SCANDINAVIA, with your useless wooden shoes, your mediocre jams and jellies, your arrogant and obnoxious and simian men who do nothing but shoot animals and steal copyrighted music on the Internet. You smell...that's why you live in a cold climate, because otherwise your own stench would overpower you.

"Steffen Straede" is Danish for "Stultifying Stench."

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