Friday, March 7, 2014


When I was a kid, I'd hear stuff like, "eat your spinach, it'll grow hair on your chest!"

Remember Sean Connery? James Bond, in swim trucks, showed off his manly chest. Most guys were supposed to have some hair there. Then came Rod Stewart...and others who...WHAT? Shaved their chests? Used some kind of cream? WHAT the FUCK?

Freud said he couldn't figure out what a woman wants...and, Siggy, neither can they. "Oh, I want a man with soft, smooth skin," they say...after previously saying, "I crave a rugged man with a hairy chest." Whatever is contrary and the opposite, women will say and do. At the moment, they say, "Shave! ALL OVER!"

You thought it was weird that in 90% of porn videos and Playboy-type magazines, the women have even less pubic hair than a mannequin?

You might, if you're cock-eyed, notice that in these porn videos, most of the men now are shaved, too! Why? Oh, is it because girls don't want to have to spit out a stray pubic hair during a blowjob? Is it because a cock looks bigger without a beard on top of it? That without the intended pubic cushion, the thrust can go a half inch deeper?? are being urged to shave their pubes, their chests, their underarms, and yes, their backs and LEGS, too!

Want to blame women? Or gays? I'll choose to blame ADVERTISERS, the Mad Men of Madison Avenue, who are quick to exploit anything that can make money. Their history is to make people insecure and in need of whatever crap they sell. They frightened everyone into worrying and obsessing over bad breath and body the point of carrying mints, little bottles of mouth wash, and pocket deodorant sticks. Few have challenged this. Johnny Carson was one...he said on the air that he didn't use deodorant and a morning shower was enough. Brave guy, since he was shooting down potential sponsors. Mostly, what Madison Avenue says...goes!

Now they say that in addition to mouth wash, deodorant, hair conditioners and sprays, skin products,'s time to buy special razors and hair-removal products, guys!

True: the other evening, I saw a TV ad for a BODY SHAVE razor. WHAT??

Most ads make you phobic, paranoid...and tell you to go the sponsor's website "to learn more."

And yes, if you go to Gillette's website, there's a long infomercial where idiot women are seen giggling about how awful hairy men are, and how (if you want to score with THEM) the shaved look is cool.

Unlike most websites where you can't see a video without downloading another twenty versions of Adobe Flash, THIS shit came up instantly:

The pussification of the male continues.

Men have to shave their genital region just as women do.

While the sale of REAL men's magazines (Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, etc.) declines thanks to all the free porn, the sale of pussified "men's fashion and grooming" magazines rise. Why? Because men are being spooked into thinking they have to spend as much on cosmetics, shaving cream, hair spray and clothing as women! Instead of one stupid column in Esquire or Rolling Stone now and then, there are entire magazines full of stupid fashion shit, and websites too:

Men are only human. Even cavemen. They cave in. They figure, "Duh, if I want to score with the ladies, or even a gay man, I'd better be clean, cologned and covered over in fashionable clothes!"

Ugh, the word "manscaping." Please. Madison Avenue, crazy bitches, and all the gays...they're all conspiring to make sure EVERY man is a dedicated follower of fashion.

OK, men, put in a hard day's work with some bitch for a boss, and then, like a woman, spend all your free time in some salon or spa where somebody will help you remove all the hair from your back with a honey-paste spread and a quick rrrrrrip. Spend an hour in the bathroom every morning or evening carefully shaving any parts that have stubble (except your fuckin' face because that's what all the cool actors have). Spend a lot of time shopping for scarves, tassles on your shoes, some very expensive stink-um or aftershave, a nice hat strategically placed at the proper angle...

Oh look, Ken and Barbie got married. Look, they've taken off their fashion wardrobe and are virtually identical with their totally shaved bodies....

Our "entertainment" (porn, sex magazines, any magazines) tells men, "SHAVE SHAVE SHAVE."

What next? Learning from all the jihad shit on the news? Then it's "CUT YOUR HEAD OFF."

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