Saturday, March 15, 2014

N.Y. Daily News vs Billy Joel: Perfectionist Pussies Promote Bootlegging

It must have been a slow news day. Any slower and a headline would've been "Mayor DeBlasio says he's got constipation. Plans on eating prunes."


The New York Daily News actually posted an article about Billy Joel "flubbing" a song lyric. First off, Billy is hardly a hot star. He's fat, bald and 64. When he feels like touring, he does a few shows. So what. Second, in the course of an evening, many performers young and old forget a line.

The N.Y. Daily News, in print and on the web, has typos every day, and factual errors. Who are these perfectionist pussies to point a finger?

But I think you know what REALLY pisses me off about this article...


Since when does a copyrighted newspaper condone piracy?

There are signs all over these venues: "Cameras are PROHIBITED." Billy's performance is his own intellectual property. Billy Joel's song is copyrighted and protected. Billy has even trademarked his name! Recording him in concert is an illegal act. And here's the Daily News condoning it, like it's not even jaywalking, or tossing a gum wrapper on the sidewalk. Eh, that's the way it is, somebody is bound to have a camera and throw shit on YouTube, and since Billy Joel, Columbia Records, and the rest can't file DMCA's fast enough (especially when it's a GOOGLE-owned company that makes the procedure an hour-long torture), what the hell...

Yeah, what the hell. Imagine the day, coming soon, when the Daily News, on pdf, is thrown around the Internet via KICKASS-type torrents, blogs located in Putin-friendly countries, and by good ol' Google blogs. Imagine when the newspaper will find ad revenue shrunken, and lay-offs every day, because "few are coming to OUR website because they can get everything they want on other websites, on torrents, and on the latest piracy-friendly APPS..."

Christ, what's next? How about reading this in the fucking Daily News: "Shoplifting is on the rise at Macy's. It seems the "we want it FREE" brigade, feel it's "freedom of speech" to not only download anything from the Internet, but grab coats and pants and even knickers from department stores. We've discovered that security guards at Macy's go off duty for a coffee break between 3:15pm and 3:30pm...and that surveillance cameras on the 2nd floor aren't working...and that no cameras are in changing rooms so you can easily put on garments under your clothes and walk out with them, as long as you remove any small rectangular metallic tag which you'll find right next to the price tag..."

For the Daily News to bother with a "flub" from Billy Joel is ridiculous. To then point to a YouTube video where some jerk is making money off illegally recording criminal.

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