Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Anus Lips Kanye West: Your Wife is STILL A DUMBASS UGLY FAT BUTT WHORE

The big news of the day? If you check Buzzfeed and the other HIPSTER websites, it's not the Israel election which may or may not lead to World War III.

It's...Kanye West's cheesy love for a dimwit bitch whose creepy porn tape with ANOTHER MAN is all over the Internet.

He's Tweeted that he's a "lucky" man for marrying a fat ass media whore who can't stop posing naked even now that she's a mother. That includes full frontal. This is a woman who has demonstrated NO talent and NO intelligence and NO taste.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, Kim Kuntrashian has a face like a llama and an ass like a hippo. She has an irritating voice. She hasn't said a complete sentence that didn't reek of STUPID.

But "YEEZUS," the World's Greatest Rapper, the GENIUS of pop music, the brilliant designer of leather dresses for men and creepy red shoes, the man who has his finger on the PURSE of the world and has lyrics just bursting with insight and truth...thinks this BRAINLESS BITCH IS BEAUTIFUL and that he is LUCKY to have her.

Did you take a poll with the 50 or 100 men who fucked her and forgot her, Weezus Peenus? Did THEY tell you that you're LUCKY you didn't dump her, or that you're just sticky?

Meanwhile, as the Earth groans and threatens to puke lava to cover the globe, we learn that the latest reason for YEEZUS to throw naked pictures of his own wife all over the Internet, is because...

a) The hideous "Keeping up with the Kardashians" premiered the start of its TENTH fetid season.

b) 30 MILLION mongoloid retards, low class pieces of shit, and useless lumps that should be tossed into the Dachau ovens, FOLLOW that KUNT.

This is the same day that the "normal" newspapers of the world are reporting that Sao Paolo, a capitol of rapists and murders and stupid music and soccer savagery, has less than 60 days of reserve water.

It's also reported that California, an entire state full of narcissists, escaped Mexicans, ego-monsters with sun-baked brains and self-entitled HIPSTER shits, has less than a year's supply due to CLIMATE CHANGE and droughts and, of course, its citizens refusing to conserve water and instead keeping their lawns lush and their lushes supplied with Scotch & Water. Swimming pools for all.

I have a fond notion for a scene for the real life "Day of the Locusts."

It's KANYE and his flubbery WIFE appearing in Sao Paolo for a concert just as the water runs out, and they're set upon and drained of their blood by a thirsty mob.

North West, home alone in California, is comforted by Kris Jenner who feeds it bottles of Perrier. Kris, munching casually on the discarded dick of her ex-husband Bruce, shouts to interviewers that everything's fine her with her and rest of the Kardashians and Jenners. As to those fans who are in drought-stricken cities? Her advice: "Let them eat cake!"

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