Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hot Dog! A sub-human interest story sweeps across sob-happy America


What the fuck am I supposed to do? Choke back a tear?

Choke back a hot dog?

How did THIS go "viral" and why is some dumbass waitress in Tennessee inflicting America with such an inane, boring bit of sentimental drivel?

Thanks, Media. I needed that. NOT.

This is supposed to be the "feel good by feeling sad" story of the week?

Aw, we ALL need a good CRY now and then, don't we? I mean, just to let ISIS know that we're fat, stupid and easy pushovers??

Christ, what a lame, LAME story, in every aspect.

First off, we're talking about a jerk who liked to eat hot dogs.

Is that the best epitaph for him? Is that what's on his fucking grave? "He liked hot dogs."

OK, the guy is dead. But his brother is dead from the neck up. THIS is a fucking tribute? Where did he get this idiot idea?

He could've gone into a bar, had his fucking hot dog, and talked about Dead Brother to the bartender. Then, in return for burdening the bartender, tipped the guy $36.

Or, he could've bought a round of drinks for everyone at the bar, showed off a picture of Dead Brother, and had a nice "feel good" afternoon for a bunch of people. Who would've gone home and said, "I got a drink off some neurotic."

Instead, this passive-aggressive dip eats his fucking hot dog, and leaves a note?

What exactly is this waitress supposed to do? Dead Brother is still dead.

Did Dead Brother die because of a drunk driver, or Lou Gherig's Disease, or choking on a hot dog? What's the message here, and why should anyone care?

What does tipping a waitress have to do with this?? The Dead Brother liked hot dogs. He also liked tipping waitresses??

This one should raise most any logical, intelligent person's level of anhedonia and nausea.

People give anonymous gifts "in memory of" people all the time. A note saying, in essence, "My dead brother liked hot dogs, so I'm eating one" doesn't cut the mustard. And giving a tip "the same as his age" doesn't say that the waitress did a good job, or helped him remember or forget. She's just there. She got lucky. She apparently got $36 dollars on a $2 hot dog. But she's not supposed to be happy, really, because money can't bring back the dead. She got a "gift" but it came with a pretty sulky price tag.

Any other tributes similar to this?

"My brother died. He also ran a dildo company. Every year on the anniversary of his death I go fuck myself."

"My brother died. He choked on a chip butty. Every year on the anniversary, I don't eat ANYTHING. I just go to the shop where the waitress served the meal, and say "Take a tip from me, YOU are a TWAT."

"My brother died just as he tipped the waitress. Every year I go find a waitress and tip her over."

"I died, but my brother insists I'm alive but insane. Every year I escape from the mental ward, write something stupid on a piece of paper, and eat it."

"I've kept a hot dog in the freezer for 36 years. Once a year I take it out and show it to my brother, who doesn't say anything because he's dead, and ALSO in the freezer..."

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