Friday, March 20, 2015

Boycott Elton John and his sludgy sound-alike dirge ballads

For fuck's sake, or for ASS fuck's sake, aren't we SICK of Elton John?

And aren't we sick of sanctimonious fat cats and bony finger-pointers telling us what to buy and what to boycott?

It reached a new level of ridiculousness when the overfed carrot-topped bulldog-jowled Elton Toilet, who hasn't written a decent song in 20 years, announced that we should ALL boycott Dolce & Gabbana, or "Sweetie and Cabana Boy," if you want a translation.

No, I don't own anything from these fruitcakes. Of course not. HE does. Normal people don't by over-priced garbage. An irony: after Reggie announced this latest boycott, he was seen walking around with a D&G bag in his pudgy paw.

This is one of those rare gay-on-gay crime stories. One or both of the fruits who run D&G mouthed off about artificial insemination, or something. Something about how it's not quite "natural." Or "synthetic babies" are weird. Whatever. Maybe D or G was annoyed that semen is not supposed to go INTO a vagina at all, and it's "a fountain drink." Seriously, a gay office worker I knew years ago actually said that. NOT that I had asked for that information.

Elton, who is easily offended by just about anything, was offended. Elton furnished his husband with two babies chugged out of some dreaded VAGINA or other, injected with his sperm, or Furnish's sperm, or George Michael's, or some alley cat. Who is to say what's normal? Not D&G, who also think it's normal to overcharge a few hundred bucks for a handbag.

Elton: if you disagree with somebody, you say so, and leave it alone. You don't demand economic sanctions, fer Chrissake.

Elton would howl to hear: "Christ, you tub of crap, you've wasted my money AGAIN with another AWFUL album you said would be good. That's it. Everyone, BOYCOTT Elton John, because this rich fart doesn't care about us, and the only way he'll learn is if the concert hall is empty and nobody buys his next album no matter how good or bad it is."

No, I don't think Elton would be a happy Cocket Man.

Do I agree with the asshole who drives the bus? The bitch who rang up my supermarket purchase? Most of what's on Fox News or in the London Daily Fail? Aren't people entitled to disagree and STILL get along?

"Hey everyone, don't ride the bus, THIS DRIVER has some religious conservative views..." "Hey everyone, don't shop when THIS bitch is the cashier, because she doesn't think like I do..."

Oh, FUCK OFF. If you can change a viewpoint, try. Maybe, even, YOU might check and see the other's point of view and YOU will change yours.

But this fucking bullshit of instantly screaming "BOYCOTT" is dead wrong. And if it isn't totally dead wrong, save it for something important, like the economic sanctions that are preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.

What Elton could've done was say, "I don't like what Sweetie-poo or Cabana-boy said, so I'M not shopping there." But to urge EVERYONE to fuck up not only the two owners of the company, but the hundreds and hundreds of hapless workers who may or may NOT agree with the bosses? What a douchebag.

Have you noticed that people who come up with this shit never suggest, but ORDER and DEMAND?

I don't think Elton has ever said, "In my opinion..." It's always been BOYCOTT this, and DON'T DO that, going back to when he wanted to destroy the career of bad taste comedian Sam Kinison for being...get this...a bad taste comedian. Hey, that's what he does. You take lyrics you don't even understand and that don't reflect yourself as much as Bernie Taupon, and put music to 'em. How did this make you the Pope?

Roger Waters is an anti-semite. He is a rotten, evil, nasty son of a bitch. Should people boycott his fucked up Pink Floyd because of his personality? That makes as much sense as refusing to listen to the music of Richard Wagner because he too, was an anti-semite, and a rotten, evil, nasty son of a bitch. One's personality and one's art can be separated. If you don't think so, that's your problem. Just barely half your country voted for your leader, right? You want to refuse to deal with that 51% you disagree with, assuming you don't like your leader? You want to refuse to deal with 49% who voted the other way and disliked the guy YOU liked?

Even if you knew who voted for your guy and who didn't, aren't there other issues that might matter? Hey, maybe the fruits of D&G donated a million to some gay charity. Does Elton know about it? Maybe D and/or G hired a hundred fags while turning down a hundred straights. How LOVELY. Quite often today's ally is tomorrow's enemy and vice versa. Hey Elton, we like GERMANY now, and JAPAN, too.

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