Thursday, March 12, 2015

Muhammad Ali asks Psycho-Bomb-Loving IRAN to release an Iranian American Blob

Look at this guy.

This pulpy-faced mild-mannered fatso couldn't harm a hummus sandwich.

Jason Rezaian's father is an Iranian. Jason (check that jerky first name) was, of course, born in America. He became a Washington Post reporter, mostly because a paper like that will pride itself on hiring minorities, especially from countries that kill white people. "Look at us, we hired a man of "Iranian descent."

If any of 'em thought that a BETTER reason to hire this putz was that he might speak the language, and go over there and at least have some cooperation in getting news stories, the answer is, of course, NO. He got jailed instead.

For no reason, of course. They let his wife go, but hey, hold onto Mr. Pulpy. Why? To let the media around the world know that knowledge is imprisonment in Iran. They don't want reporters around, not even infidel Americans with Iranian daddies, any more than they want U.N. inspectors checking how well their bomb-making Jew-killing machinery is going.

Impotent idiots on the internet have signed a "petition" to release this guy. Ooooh, 200,000 or more idiots took time from looking at porn to sign a petition.

Just last week, the Prime Minister of Israel appeared in front of Congress, to explain how fucking dangerous and psycho IRAN is, and to urge Obama NOT to lift sanctions against IRAN and NOT to be a pussy like Jimmy Carter, and let this insane rogue nation get what they need to build a BOMB.

What happened? Obama and a bunch of his prize Democrats refused to attend the speech.

The Prime Minister was roundly criticized for showing up at all.

And Iran? Iran didn't even think it necessary to make a concession to diffuse the tensions, by letting Mr. Pulpy get out of the country.

Today? "The Greatest" himself made a statement on behalf of this reporter.

Yes, Muhammad Ali, who can barely talk, at least nodded his head over a document that claims to be written by him.

Here's what it says:

"With the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful [not an opening line Ali has been known to use among normal people!]

I am sorry that I cannot be physically present to lend my support in person but I pray my words will provide relief to the efforts to secure the release of Jason Rezaian.

Insha’Allah, it is my great hope that the government and judiciary of Iran will end the prolonged detention of journalist Jason Rezaian and provide him with access to all of his legal options. During his time as the Washington Post bureau chief in Tehran, Jason used his gift of writing and intimate knowledge of the country to share the stories of the people and culture of Iran to the world.

To my knowledge Jason is a man of peace and great faith, a man whose dedication and respect for the Iranian people is evident in his work. I support his family, friends and colleagues in their efforts to obtain his release.

——Muhammad Ali

Ali, in his miserable later years, has had to deal with the embarrassment of being one of the most famous Muslims in the world...while almost EVERY TERRORIST ACT IN THE WORLD has been committed by MUSLIMS.

Early on, he denounced the 9/11 bombers as a disgrace to Islam, but with his fragile health, difficulty even walking, and inability to speak above a whisper, he can't be the strong, powerful voice of reason we wish he could be. That he would be prevailed upon to put his name on a document such as this, is some kind of testament to just how WRONG Iran is in jailing Mr. Pulpy Iranian-American, and what an affront it is to freedom of speech and the good will of news reporting.

And yet, the Prime Minister of Israel gets dumped on for declaring Iran a dangerous nation. Obama gives that look of exasperation as he insists Iran will eventually get their nukes anyway so if we play nice with them, MAYBE they'll only flatten Israel. Think Iran is even concerned that, like its sicko neighbor Iraq, it might have entire cities taken over by ISIS? Nah. The Ayatollah probably thinks Allah would protect Iran, and strike everybody from ISIS dead, or something. Who knows. These are shit-brains who wear diapers on their heads.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, the world has become a bad fucking Star Trek episode. There are absolutely insane Klingons (North Korea, Russia, most of the Middle East, most of Africa, plus China) and fewer and fewer members of any confederation of normal people. In fact, the normal people are being infested by the tribble-shit of these rogue nations, to the point where 10% of most any "democratic" country is obnoxious commies, terrorists and religious fanatics doing what they can to destroy the country that let them emigrate.

And the hero, the beloved, "The Greatest," is just a mummified shell of his former self, called upon now and then to voice some sanity to people who don't remember him, or don't give a damn because their view of Islam is so totally distorted and vile.

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