Friday, March 13, 2015

Cunts Can't Float - Women's Wear Daily Going Digital

Oh, here's more bad news.

The digital age continues to destroy jobs and trivialize reporting and writing of all types.

Once, things were, if not written in stone, written on paper. A permanent record. You couldn't change it either, so if you didn't get it right, you could get sued.

And pride...I know it well, the pride of handing someone a magazine and say "look at that byline." Or, "This is MY magazine."

Now? Like music and movies, there's no pride in ownership. Who cares. The music's on a streaming cloud. Everything's on Netflix. The news is on dozens of look-alike Buzz Mashable Beast sites and stolen by counless more blogs.

The idea that people will buy digital versions of ANYTHING is a farce.

No, mp3 and avi haven't taken the place of CDs and DVDs. PDF hasn't replaced magazines and newspapers, just made it easier to steal.

Go over to Kickass and download, FREEEEEE, a pdf of your favorite magazine. Don't even bother reading most of it.

Just as people don't sit down and LISTEN to an album, just pick a track or two on Spotify to listen to, people go to a newspaper or magazine website very briefly, and check out one or two articles.

Part of it is our times. Listen, I didn't renew my Rolling Stone subscription. I don't need clutter around the house. I get it...but NOT getting it. The website? No time. I might glance at a few articles. That's enough. If an article isn't available because "you have to subscribe to our site," I don't bother. I also know that in another week, Kickass will have that entire issue of Rolling Stone, FREEEEE.

I understand this is the way it is. It's human nature, I'm human, and gee, too fucking bad, Rolling Stone doesn't get my dime anymore. Nor do they make up for it by showing me a ton of banner ads.

It's still BAD NEWS when more magazines go digital. And it's CRAZY when it's a women's magazine. I mean, bitches have ALL the time to sit in a beauty parlor and read a fucking magazine! But they don't.


Guys? They'll jerk off to anything anywhere. They don't need magazines anymore. The men's mag field has been destroyed. Tumblr pix on a cellphone are good enough.

But WOMEN? Women USED to buy those gigantic goddam FASHION magazines! Even in the good old days, Playboy was NEVER the same size as Vogue.

Now? No. More of the women's mags are shutting down, having less pages, or going digital.

Don't think this affects me personally. I rarely wrote for cunt rags. My photos rarely appeared in 'em either. I found the writing style incredibly stupid and trivial and I was not good at the formula. The bitch editors were very difficult to deal with, and any token guys on the editorial staff were pussy-whipped and helpless. As in, "Could you re-write has too many facts and quotes. Cut some of that stuff out, and talk about how the star smelled, and what the star wore, and what the apartment looked like..."

Even so, even if writing for this field isn't an option, this is BAD news.

Women are buying all-purpose shit like "People" or "US" or low-text tabloids that combine idiot celeb features, diet tips, and a lot of photos of what idiot stars are wearing (or what their babies or baby bumps look like).

It would be nice to shrug and say, "It's just a paradigm, it's a sea change," and "there won't be staff firings, the entire staff will be welcome to the website version, business as usual." But people don't go to a website and "read it" like they leaf through magazines. They don't like pop up ads, loud video ads, or any of the other shit. A few news items, a few links to other stories (of which they might check out ONE), and they're GONE. So staffs shrink. Celebrities aren't as accessible when you can't promise them a real COVER STORY. Whatever you write is stolen by Buzz Fuck and Huffington Bluff and Zero Paid the Beast.

Women also aren't as into fashion as they used to be. Every cunt wears the same dress, same shoes, same top, because they can only afford to go to the same chain stores. And guess what, guys don't care. Show some tits and ass, and you're fine, babe.

Oh well. Interested in art, writing, photography, reporting? FUCK OFF. Go sell t-shirts. Go work in somebody's office and be like everyone else on the bus. Go have a YouTube channel or start a Farcebook group that you can lord over. Then work out your frustrations by going to the gym. Or, starting a brawl in McDonald's.

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