Sunday, March 29, 2015

Christina Freundlich, mindless grinning twat, founder of "Disaster Porn"

There's a new expression, thanks to twats like Christina Freundlich.

It's called "DISASTER PORN."

It's getting a thrill out of being at the scene of death and destruction.

Yes, if you thought "selfies" were confined to brainless bitches showing off their immense butts, or pondering their "baby bumps," take a look at smiling Christina Freundlich.

She just might be the stupidest woman in America.

What's she grinning about? That hundreds of people are homeless after a gas leak exploded and burned up several apartment buildings?

That two people are DEAD, their bodies not even found yet, because they were blown to pieces?

That dozens are in area hospitals, maimed and in shock?

What's with the peace symbol, Christina? "Peace and love," is it?

If you thought that Christina Freundlich, hind lick, cunt twat, was just one stupid brainless bitch, NO, she was one of dozens and dozens who traveled over to the site of horror, just to pose. On the cover of the NY Post...unbelievably...a shot of an entire gaggle of twat-geese.

What if that explosion had happened in your neighborhood? You'd probably avoid going anywhere near it. But if you did have some morbid curiosity, the most you might do is "document" it, and take a few photos. Frankly, it would never occur to me to take a SELFIE at the scene of a disaster. Having my own photos pretty much says "I was there," doesn't it? And if I did take a SELFIE, I wouldn't be SMILING.

The twat Christina Freundlich was smiling.

The twats on the cover of the NY Post were smiling.

These women are displaying "human nature." They are starring in "Disaster Porn." And...LOVING IT.

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