Thursday, March 5, 2015

Everyone cares about black cock-sucker and crack whore look-alike Kim Kardashian

I used to think it was just the media. Kuntrashian and her monkeys and lamebrains pay the MEDIA to cover them constantly.

No. There's an un-indicted co-conspirator here. It's THE PUBLIC.

The lame, stupid, mediocrity-loving white trash and dumb nigga PUBLIC.

Did I really want to see this simian-faced Kardashian bitch's blonde hair? Hasn't she dyed her hair blonde before? IS this news?

But here's this dumb-as-a-stump bitch again. The cunt who came to fame for acting like a crack whore and camcordering her cocksucking is as low class as ever. We should be glad that instead of exposing her hippo hips and grotesquely bulging shitter, we get her FACE again? And her HAIR again? The face is the same: steroid-plumped fat sperm-loving cocksucker lips, and shit-brown eyes with nothing behind them except fermented cabbage. The hair is blonde? So? People are SO fucking attention-deficit they've forgotten what she looked like as an albino ape?

THIS is nobody's idea of sexy. Is it? I mean, nobody besides white trash and dumb nigga morons.

You can see white garbage like this in any low class neighborhood...some crack whore monkey bitch simpering around with her crappy dye job, her mule lips moving, her cow eyes glazed over.

But it ISN'T just the media force-feeding vomity-looking vixens down our throats, and forcing us to see idiots when we want the news.

THIS is really what the vast unwashed care about, more than ANYTHING. Proof? Here's your proof.

According to Farcebook, EVERYBODY is talking about Kim Kardashian's dye job. More than ANYTHING.

While there's a lot of corruption in cyberspace, and the worst offenders are rich bastards who own Farcebook, Twatter, Google etc., I don't think they are being bribed by media whore Kris Jenner to lie and say her precious baby baboon is the talk of the town. I don't think that Filthy Cunt Kris has quite enough money to rig thousands and thousands of Farcebook accounts to ALL babble about her dirty daughter.

No, this IS what the MAJORITY actually wants to know about. This is what is on the average person's mindless mind.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, Kris Jenner can't FORCE people to watch her reality show. Trailer trash white redneck morons and ghetto niggas are watching it in droves. That's why she and her creepy bunch of white trash and niggas got $100 million for another four years of "Keeping Upchuck With the Kardashians."

We should be happy that, for the moment, our homes aren't fitted with giant 10 foot screens where we are being force-fed the show, and monitored to make sure we're watching. We CAN choose something else.

It's too bad that, as Farcebook proves, most people DO watch, and anything Kardashian instantly is TRENDING all over the world.

We normal people, now a minority (and a minority that gets no government subsidies or attention from concerned Liberals OR Conservatives) CAN choose the risky disconnect. That's all we can do: stop watching the news with its miserable reports of KARDASHIAN, and ISIS and riots and celebrity deaths (in that order).

All we can do, to prevent this toxic atmosphere, is not pay attention. Which is almost as difficult as ignoring the toxic air by simply not breathing. You're bound to glance at a newspaper headline even if you're not on the Internet. And when you go outside, you'll overhear idiots talking about Kardashian or wearing a vulgar t-shirt with some rap slogan on it. It IS hard to avoid mediocrity.

I've found, more and more through the "Comments" on social media, just how high the ratio is of STUPID-to-smart.

I've also seen the proof of Spike Milligan's line, "brush up mediocrity and you brush up venom." Just try posting "Who cares about Kardashian" and find out.

It's a real shock any time a comment section in the Daily Fail, or anywhere else, has an overwhelming majority actually posting on the right side of morality and common sense. It's so rare when the trolls are outnumbered by people who have the class of a prince or princess.

Nobody's written a good poem? Painted a good picture? Sung a song worth hearing? The entire focus of the creative arts HAS to center around the fucking Kardashians, and the nasty satellites of Viley Virus and Bieber and Perry and the length of puppy Jared Leto's faggy hair? Instead of encouraging people to enjoy the finer things in life, we happily pat them in the back as they wallow in idiot football and basketball games, trashy reality shows, mindlessly moronic best-sellers and the music of Iggy Azalea???

Let's remember that what is now considered literature was, at the time, "pop culture." Poe's poetry was printed in newspapers and in popular magazines. People went to museums to look at the latest Courbet the way people now go to the movies to see Jennifer Lawrence naked.

It would be folly to suggest everybody tune to PBS and watch nothing but Shakespeare revivals and documentaries on wombats, but what's going on now is PISS poor. Elvis Costello sang about America, "where they drink Coca Cola just like vintage wine." First off, that applies to every country now. Secondly, it would be more accurate to say "where they drink Jenner urine just like vintage wine." Because the Kardashian scum have just spun off the two young JENNER daughters into their OWN reality show, and Bruce Dickless Jenner is getting HIS own, too, while people shrug off the fact that he murdered a woman with his car. Who cares about THAT? Let's breathlessly wait to hear what his new female first name will be!"

Trending on Farcebook? The fucking end of the civilized world.

Don't you think that if ISIS blew up a building or had another mass beheading, it would NOT be "trending" on Twatter or Farcebook ahead of KARDASHIAN?

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