Saturday, March 21, 2015

Media was worried about a Brainless Slut? Why?

Newspapers were asking the breathless question: "Is this bitch all right?"

OK, they omitted "bitch." But they sure couldn't have used terms like "classy lady" or "woman with brains."

WE were told she was on spring break in Florida somewhere, and the photo on social-disease media SEEMED to show her in "distress."

So, WE were asked to contact cops if WE had any information. Meanwhile thousands of kids go missing every day, as well as dogs, retards, senile people and the occasional parrot. WE are supposed to care about some dumb ugly bitch last seen naked except for BEADS. The Mardis Gras mentality.

Yeah, it turns out she's fine, just fine, and let's all respect her PRIVACY and not mention her fucking name.

There isn't enough tension and anxiety in the world? The answer to "is she all right" would either be "of course, you idiot" or "no, she's in jail, in a hospital or in the morgue." Either way, expecting social-disease media to instantly rescue a woman from a mob hours and hours after somebody posted a photo, is just plain stupid. Besides, WE have more important things to do, like stare at selfies from D-list ninnies, and keeping up with Kim and Khloe and Kendall and the rest of the Kuntrashian-Jenitals.

PS, if the rest of the world HATES AMERICANS, this is why. If the front page isn't about some anonymous slut, it's about more famous sluts.

AMERICAN newspapers don't talk about the poor on the front page, or injustice, or changing laws, or protecting the enviroment. It's always THIS shit

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