Friday, March 20, 2015

Like a Rock band? DON'T join the FARCEBOOK group for it

Here's a rule of thumb, for people who are prone to punching idiots: DON'T JOIN A FAN GROUP.

Whatever you like, whoever you like, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.

You will be monumentally disgusted and dismayed to discover the kind of dimwits and twat brains who are SO overboard about what YOU like, that they form a FARCEBOOK group about it.


This includes celebrities. You like some D-list idiot? Chances are, before long, you WON'T when you discover the kind of stupid shit your D-lister is into, the kind of brainless posts made and the even more stupid responses.

Let's say you're into Gouda cheese. Yum yum. Only you can't just stop there. You're tempted to join a GROUP that shares recipes and lore about Gouda cheese. Soon you will be at war with Hans, the group's FOUNDER, who will set up all kinds of Nazi rules, including "NO mention of Swiss!"

Or whatever the fuck his problem is.

Next, you'll be at war with a few trolls who will criticize any post you make. They either think you're smarter than they are, and are jealous, or you're dumber and they want you OUT. Either way, YOU are making them angry. Sort of like the Isis bunch who don't want the Jews or the Christians. Only they end up not liking the Sunnis or the Shiites or the Kurds either.

Isn't life too short for the kind of petty feuding you endured in school? WHY go BACK?

People who form groups are essentially people who form cliques. They're in it to be Dictators. YOU are one of the peons.

If you've got no mind and don't mind being a peon, go ahead and compliment them on everything the post. LIKE it all, and never think for yourself or post anything of your own. Exception: you can post if it's some slavish and humble gift to your masters and mistresses. As in, "I bought this on eBay, and have digitized it for you all," or "I found this picture in the library, stole it, and am scanning it for you."

In such a case you are the momentary Rommel and your Hitler will pat you on the back for doing something for the greater good of the group. As opposed to the greater good for mankind in general, or sanity in particular.

Another thing: be very wary if there are TWO or more groups on your favorite subject. They will be at war. YOU will be considered a traitor if you join one and not the other. You will be considered an infidel if you belong to BOTH.

Sometimes if one idiot runs out of time, or is bullied enough, or dies, the groups "merge." All is well for a while, until some newbie comes in and decides to become "the group's biggest poster." Then, more war. The mod will be enraged unless the newbie dick head keeps saying, "thank you for letting me be a member." Even then, PM's fly back and forth between "Get this jerk OUT" and "No, no, this is a valuable new addition."

Some instantly lose interest and leave. Others make trollish remarks and try to overpost to get even. Skirmishes break out.

Having fun yet?

Meanwhile, you find your time wasted as you sufer through dozens of time-wasting posts every day because the mod is an asshole who won't tell the drones to stop the endless repeats of YouTube videos.

The topic you thought you couldn't get enough making you cry out "ENOUGH!"

It's like when you were a kid and figured, "When I'm an adult, I'll read all the comics I want, and eat nothing but dessert for breakfast, lunch and dinner." You grow up and realize infantile behavior is disgusting. And that the ones who indulge in it, are the babies you have found on this extremely stupid and childish FARCEBOOK page, or dippy FORUM.

You're blocking THIS idiot, de-friending THAT idiot, and still, the number of interesting posts vs garbage is 99 to 1.

Ultimately, there will be a straw that breaks the camel's back. You have to WALK OUT. You also don't say anything, because if you SLAM the door, you might open yourself up for retribution, cyber-bullying, hacking, and the rest of the juvenile tricks these losers like to play.

So don't SLAM the door.


Clue: almost every "group" has a piss poor number of members, OR, a shit core of only a few who bother to post anything. It tells you that you're back in school again, and you should GROW THE FUCK UP!

Forget the D-lister. Forget the knitting group, Your Favorite Moronic TV Show, the losing weight club, or the ROCK GROUP FAN bunch you think are going to come up with bootlegs you never saw, or insight that you don't already have.

Lastly, speaking of rock groups, there's one that is currently killing women and children in Nigeria. That's not nice. No wonder the various fan "groups" for this band have very few members. There's very little to say about a band that hasn't had a hit in 40 years, and barely draws flies when they hobble out for a few concerts a year. And yet, a few die-softs not only rave and post old YouTube videos on them, and indulge in the Alzheimer's problem of repeating themselves constantly with catch-phrases and dumb remarks, they are so addled that ANYTHING related to the band is treated with shock and awe.

I guarantee you, if you bother to look up this "parody" on YouTube you will NOT be able to stand 20 seconds of it. And yet, it's er, uh, "THE BEST...EVER..." Take it from the mod himself. That's the thinking. "The world is wrong. I am right." And who can argue with the MOD of a fucking FARCEBOOK group or a forum? Don't even bother to try.

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