Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Kerry & the Post recall the NOT-SO-REASONABLE Palestinians

Aside from conspiracy theorists, gun nuts and dog owners, the most hard-headed and stupid people on Earth are the whiners who spend their lives bleating about the Pala-STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-NEEEEEEEE-yans.

Ask them about the 500 women and children kidnapped by Nigeria's crazed Procol Harum cult, and they shrug. Mention Syrian-on-Syrian fighting, and they don't have an opinion. Ask them about whether they've joined their own neighborhood watch group, volunteer to improve their local schools, or know the names of their congressmen, and they go blank.

But the fucking Pala-STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-NEEEEE-yans? Oh, they'll make your ears bleed with their high-pitched wailing, and they'll let you know that Israel is "Apartheid" and that Hamas terrorists are barely using pea-shooters.

Ask them if they've heard of John Kerry and they'll look confused. Uh, why ask THAT?

The Palestine-Uber-Alles swine will ask you to sign their petitions to create sanctions against Israel, which continue to fan the fires of Jew-hatred around the world.

They won't listen when you ask, "Can you show how Israel is preventing peace while your Arab friends are totally innocent?"

In other words, "Can you explain why Kerry doesn't quite agree with Obama that Netanyahu is ruining everything??"

Here's the New York Post in an editorial, pointing out that Ambassador Kerry predicted these Palestinian maniacs would do nothing to create peace. A peace proposal, the sweetest deal possible, one that humiliated and emasculated Israel, was turned down! Why? Because it meant that Israel would still exist and Jews would be able to live there. That's against Palestinian beliefs that THEY are the "chosen people" and Moses and his bunch were never in the Middle East at all.

I've underlined just what kind of a deal those peace-loving, reasonable Pala-STEEEEEEEEEEEE-NEEEEEEEE-yans turned down.

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