Friday, March 6, 2015

Elections? In the UK and the USA? For fuck's sake, stay home. While you have one.

A blogger friend of mine is disgusted, not amused, by the upcoming election in the UK.

The candidates are all a bunch of wusses, incompetents, and hacks. The one guy who has some good ideas (including putting a cork in immigration) also has a lot of bad ideas and, like most conservatives, is just a bit of a racist and Fascist. It turns out he's also a fucking jellyfish, who, I guess in order to woo some moderates into his brown-shirt world, NOW says "oh, 50,000 a year is ok."

Sure. See what one guy, "Jihadi John" could do? How many guys did it take to sever the head of a British soldier nobody seems to remember as a martyr? You trust anyone in the UK to make sure those 50,000 are normal and non-violent?

They say that Great Britain is NOT so great, in terms of size. They say it's roughly the same size as ONE average state in America. Like, New York. Nobody in New York would be thrilled to think of an ENTIRE CITY of crazy Muslims. In fact, there are "neighborhoods" that cause alarm, both in the city and upstate. There are areas where "settlers" all got together, bought houses, and pretty much block outsiders from getting near. Charming, huh?

50,000 immigrants. That would be the ENTIRE population of Troy, New York. Or Binghamton. It would almost be the ENTIRE population of White Plains, or Long Beach. It would be half the population of the capitol, Albany.

As for England, it would be almost the entire population of Hereford. Fill it with immigrants, and hurricanes could very likely happen.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, the current rabbit-like breeding habits of ALL minorities have changed the face of the UK and USA radically. Is it a bad thing? Oh, maybe it's time we stopped considering Shakespeare important, or re-runs of "The Avengers" or Tommy Cooper or "Upstairs Downstairs" and "Downton Abbey." Maybe it's time to understand that The Beatles are nothing compared to Kanye and Jay-Z and his wife Beyonce. Maybe Hemingway and Steinbeck are irrelevant and Robert Frost is not the poet Maya Angelou is.

Maybe it's a good thing to be bilingual like Montreal, and have a huge amount of people babbling in Spanish, and the earache of hearing every announcement in an elevator, bus depot or train station repeated over again in another language. Or maybe another five of them, as you'd have to bow to the Arabs, the Asians, The Poles, The Russians or whatever other immigrant group wants to preserve THEIR culture.

Yes, its time we all went to work with our pants around our thighs, sporting $200 sneakers. Surely, a rich diet of Mexican food has its keeping the USA #1 in the category of "most obese country." Salsa long ago replaced ketchup as the #1 condiment in America, and while McDonalds may be sliding down in profits, Taco Bell is doing muy bueno, gracias, and similar chains are opening up all over the place. The "white" idea of being quiet in a movie theater, of addressing people with respect and no curses, or the idea that clothing shouldn't be optional in public...these all need to GO, and they will.

Yes, the UK and its image of class, is crumbling. In a little while, the Harry Potter series will be re-made with Jamaicans and Muslims, and if there IS a quaint veddy-veddy British show like "Downton Abbey," it will have to pretend that immigrants made up 80% of the population in 1920. Or 1840. Or 1710. Hey, Henry VIII played by James Earl Jones. Why not?

America's same old-same old election dilemma is coming up. Unlike the UK, the race ALWAYS boldly pits a conservative lunatic against a liberal wimp. It's a lose-lose situation. The country continues to wobble along the road like a retard on a broken bicycle.

There's also an election coming up in Israel.

Somehow, Netanyahu's appearance before Congress became a political tussle. The conservatives who control "the House" and Senate, invited him to speak. They didn't clear it with Big O. So the Democrats decided to boycott the speech. After all, we all know The Big O is very soft on Iran, so Netanyahu, speaking for the majority of the sane world, would be stating an opinion against compromising with a rogue nation that wants to blow up Israel and any other infidels. This is, after all, the nation that held Americans hostage under the Carter administration, and has been doing vile things ever since.

How is it a disgrace to invite an ally of ours, to state his point of view in front of Congress?? Yet, in America, the indignation and controversy almost knocked the Kardashian and Kanye stories off the front page. As in, "Many Democratic senators REFUSE to come and listen to the Israeli Prime Minister's speech." Yeah? Is that Democracy in action? Sounds like something Putin and his shower buddies would do.

Some in the media picked up on this. It includes a glorified blogger named Andrea Peyser, who has an OPINION column in the New York Post.

Isn't that wonderful? SOME people actually get paid, a lot, to do nothing but state opinions! I mean, who the FUCK is Andrea Peyser? Or some of the other lucky editorialists who rant about politics, or sports, and do almost NO reporting? Who did they blow to get such cushy jobs?

Peyser is Jewish, and the Post is a Republican-leaning paper. Ergo...

Don't you love American journalism? The head of Israel is BIBI (not to be confused with an old French actress nicknamed Bebe). The head of America is BAM. Bibi and Bam. Sounds like a comedy team. The Post is the paper that coined the nickname JACKO for Michael Jackson. Why use smaller type or be respectful to anyone? Jackson almost had me feeling sorry for him when he baby-whispered, "They call me Whacko Jacko. That's not respectful." Oh fer Chrissake. Excuse, me. I mean, "Weezus!"

The Bibi-Bam story was very lowly placed in the despisable Peyser's column of the day. Her headline?

Right. Celebrity nonsense. A pointless provocateur piece that was mostly about one fat bitch "star" who has NOT left New York at all, but simply bought herself a home in California, too. But there you are, Green-Eyes-of-Jealousy reports here, a glorified fucking BLOGGER with opinions and curmudgeonly gripes is getting paid very good money! As JFK said, "Life is unfair."

Peyser is sort of a horse-faced dickless Piers Morgan. The good thing about Peyser and Morgan is that they aren't running for office. The bad thing is that they are actually getting paid when there's better writers tossing it FREEEEEEE on blogs.

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