Friday, March 6, 2015

Wo-manning Traitors, Coddling Murderers - America the Wussiful

If somebody splashed acid in your face, blinding and disfiguring you, what would you want?

Maybe, just maybe the similar fate for your attacker?

YOU are fucked up for life. He'll get five years? Be paroled after three? Found "insane" and coddled somewhere on meds for a while then freed?

That happens all the time.

Even nasty Russia didn't do much to the mastermind who blinded the head of their prestigious ballet company. Oh, gee, a ballet dancer gets in a snit, decides to get "revenge," and has a thug splash acid in the maestro's face. I think he got less than five, and the thug who did it, less than ten.

NOT in Iran. The other day, an acid attack bastard got one of his eyes removed, and might get the ol' 3 Stooges treatment on the other. The jury, apparently, is still out.

Meanwhile in America, the puppy who blew up a child while his father watched in horror, is being coddled, his trial delayed for literally years, and now moving at a snail's pace while the taxpayers spend millions and millions.

Isolated case? America being cautious about a precious MUSLIM? No, there's THIS:

Anyone even care about this bitch? She isn't even MUSLIM. She's some crazy hot-blooded Latina maniac. She and her dumbass white boyfriend apparently liked to have "rough" sex, and he liked taking naked pix of her spread out or bent over. They're all over the Internet, by the way.

So she flips, is tired of his shit, and goes ballistic. Not just a bullet to the head.

The question is, why spend THREE MILLION on this? How'd THAT happen? Even if the public's fascinated by a real life case that reads like a lurid "Fatal Attraction" movie, so? She did it. No question about it.

She said she wanted to die, then didn't. She entered a variety of pleas, and since the death penalty was involved, it dragged on and on and on. Ultimately, ONE juror who lied about knowing the case beforehand, and having seen a made-for-TV movie based on the case, decided she wasn't going to let the bitch fry. Everyone else on the jury was outraged, but that's that.

Another million might be spent waiting for the judge to rule on whether the great Jodi gets 25 years and then a chance at parole, or a life sentence with NO parole. Are we all waiting for this? No. Who the fuck cares. As Randy Newman sang it, "It's money that I want." I think a lot of people could get a lot of benefits splitting up THREE MILLION.

Then there's this gutless sneaky Manning asshole. He was convicted in July 2013 of violations of the Espionage Act, and leaked "the largest set of classified documents ever..." Why? Because he wanted to be famous? He believed in Assange that everything should be FREEEEEEE? He thought Putin should know everything about US (transparency!) while WE know nothing about Putin?

Manning proved to have no balls at all, when he decided he was really female. So, as long as he's going to jail, why not have the government pay for his sex surgery and hormones? Huh??

A little respect, here. Manning is wo-manning. Call him "Chelsea" from now on. HE may have been a traitor to his country, but SHE is a lady.

What does ISIS think about all this? Or Putin? Or Kim Jong-onion face? They gotta think a) America is bankrupting itself on wussiness and incompetence, and b)if you're Muslim, or a Latina nutjob, or a transgender, everyone bends over backwards to make sure you're nice and comfy.

Hell, you can be a convicted murderer in the South, and if the lethal dose you're supposed to get is "cloudy" they postpone your execution indefinitely. You can't trust the fuckin' rednecks to off a killer??

Well, a quote attributed to John F. Kennedy is: "Life is unfair." He was referring to how some die in battle, some don't, some are only wounded. I wonder if that was the last thought going through his head. No, the bullet was too quick.

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