Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sorry, Yvette Cormier, tranny rights trump Women's Rights

"...but I can't understand why she walked like a woman but talked like a man..."

Oh well. That was in a bar. And that was Ray Davies singing about "Lola." And hey, a while later, and it's "The Crying Game," and a guy can fall in love with a woman who just happens to have a dick.

In fact, the guy might just wait, and an artificial cunt will be carved into that crotch. And all's well.

Isn't it a marvelous, mixed-up, shook-up world?


THIS real, actual woman:

She complained because a very mannish tranny was in the women's locker room with her.

This wasn't someone who looked like a woman but talked like a man. This was someone who looked like a man in bad drag. And that's never too pleasant.

Naturally...the health club TOOK AWAY HER MEMBERSHIP. They very proudly informed her that her rights don't matter, just transgender rights. Some guy takes hormones or just declares he's female, and that's that. The guy can go into a ladies room. A women's locker room.

What, pray tell, is to prevent any rapist from dressing in drag and staking out such places?

The facile answer is right here:

Maybe it's just a coincidence, but I know a guy in Bristol. He's an incredibly pompous twit. He is prone to making condescending, facetious remarks and repeating know-it-all slogans. He also acts like a pussy.

It's actually a complex issue, made doubly so by gays and lesbians.

It's very creepy to use a restroom or a gym locker, and know that you're a sexual object in somebody's eyes. It's like you're part of a legal peep show.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, gays and lesbians are getting for free, what I'd have to pay for, or what I could be arrested for.

If I want to glom a naked female stranger, I'd either go to a peep show, or lurk in the bushes or use binoculars to spy on some unsuspecting lady getting dressed or walking around her bedroom nude. Lesbians and gays? They can get their jollies just by hanging around the toilet or the locker room.

Is that "FAIR?" The fairness and equality would be if I could go into the ladies room and ladies locker, too. Give ME an eyeful, how about it??

This also applies to exhibitionists.

One day I'm in the gym locker, and there's a naked man lying, face up, on the fucking bench. THE ENTIRE BENCH.

He was, obviously, enjoying the same kind of disgusting thrill as a flasher. Either he was glad to get appalled looks from straights, or appraising looks from any gays around. Either way, it was very annoying. "Excuse me, my locker is HERE..." Like I really wanted to even acknowledge this naked idiot and make him move his repulsive carcass?

It's a bit ironic that in the workplace, and in any public place, you have to be MORE than politically correct around women. It's just that NOW, there are louder and more lawsuit-prone minorities to deal with, like blacks, Muslims, Latinos, gays, lesbians and transgenders.

An irony here is that it's possible Cormier has been just as exclusionary with straight men as she was with this tranny, but that would be ok. ALL women can do THAT. For example, accompany your wife into Victoria's Secret. While she goes to the changing room, see the stares of hate and outrage you get from any Cormier you see. A few will not make eye contact, but those that do, are shooting daggers into your nuts.

How about this: stand around the supermarket checking out the deodorant prices, and suddenly hear, "This man is loitering!" Huh? Oh, the deodorants are next to the feminine hygiene products, and some raging cunt thinks you're waiting to see what brand of tampon she uses! I was on line at the post office to pick up a package. The woman ahead of me was complaining that she'd gotten on a mailing list for porn, or a sex toy company or something. She told the clerk she wanted to get off the mailing list, or find out who put her on the list, or something or other. When the clerk walked away to get a form, or an aspirin, this bitch turned to me and said, "Can't I have some privacy here? Why are you listening to my conversation?" And I said, "I'm just standing on line to get a package. If I stood back any further, about five people could get ahead of me."

So you see, people in his stress-out world can feel like victims and can simply want some privacy.

They'd also like to be able to let their guard down when their pants are down.

Why the hell shouldn't Yvette Cormier's discomfort be acknowledged? It doesn't appear that she screamed, threw a tantrum, or insulted the tranny. She just suggested that maybe, MAYBE he/she shouldn't be in the ladies locker. He had a dick most of his life. Maybe still has one. What's the deal? If he was in the men's locker, HE/SHE might feel stressed because others were looking at him in an appalled way?

Cormier, babe, lemme tell ya: I dislike public bathrooms and locker rooms, and avoid them as much as possible.

Transgenders? In the big city, they are common as muck. A magazine editor I wrote for was transgender, and a more ridiculous "woman" you never saw. Yes, this was someone who didn't look too feminine. She not only talked like a man, she acted like a man in a dress.

This didn't bother me, but if he was in a ladies room, I could see how it would be disconcerting. Hell, if he was in the men's locker it would be disconcerting. Yes, he once had male equipment, and is an adult, but might not be an impartial observer. What you want, in a bathroom or locker room, is INDIFFERENCE. That's all. If anyone's around you, you want them to keep their eyes front, and be as miserable and misanthropic as you are.

Discrimination? Oh, FUCK that. This is the real world. It's a lot more complicated. It's like these idiots who say "I don't recognize color." Of course you do. It's OBVIOUS. And it's not the color of the skin, it's the other ethnic traits that are the problem.

We don't want to discriminate against burn victims, but who wants to sit across from one at the pizza joint?

If a burn victim sits across from me, I can't ask the waitress to move me somewhere else?

Mostly you don't see these unfortunates, because they aren't "proud to be burnt," like gays and lesbians and transgenders are PROUD to be here and queer and weird or whatever they want to chant. In an ideal world, yes, we should "get used to it." But certainly in areas of sexuality, and in intimate areas like bathrooms and locker rooms, which ARE involving sexuality, a little common sense should prevail on all sides.

You can say "it's a good idea to get used to differences," but come on. Don't we all need a break from reality? A chance to just have a moment without stress?

I'm sure this mannish-tranny didn't want to fuck Yvette Cormier, and wasn't going to get an erection seeing her naked. HE/She wanted to have the assurance and acceptance of being "among the other girls." Being in the ladies locker made him/her feel more feminine, obviously.

Hell, if somebody is thinking of changing from Gentile to Jew, or Buddhist to Muslim or whatever, shouldn't they be able to visit a Mosque or Synagogue as an observer? Haven't I seen a ton of Asians quietly scrutinizing "Midnight Mass," and don't tourists go all over the world to observe other cultures? The answer here, is they are acknowledged as OBSERVERS.

Being an observer in a locker room is NOT what a locker room is about.

I think Yvette Cormier probably could've gotten used to this problem. Most anyone who uses public toilets, or locker rooms, can find ways of maintaining some privacy. You can turn your back to someone unpleasant. You can wait and find an area that isn't too crowded. You can do any of a number of tricks to keep your privates from view. Hell, have you seen the YouTube video of the female tennis player who changed her panties ON the court? She draped a towel around her waist, and finessed it with minimal embarrassment.

I haven't seen a write up (and we ARE at the mercy of reporters) as to whether Cormier merely complained or screamed, whether she asked or demanded, or whether the tranny was minding "her" own business or deliberately choosing to be near Cormier when there was plenty of other places to sit.

But check out the last line, from a transgender woman, on this news article. It's the sane observation that, if possible, there should be concessions made for the comfort of ALL.

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