Thursday, March 12, 2015

One Dog Dead - rocker Greenspoon gone. Seniormole asks: "Why the kerfuffle?"

Some of the Internet news pages, the ones that rely on "hits," have gone to Google with the tease: ROCK LEGEND DIES.

This is how search engines such as Google and Bing make some money. Other websites PAY THEM to slant their coverage and hot-link them. The websites, in turn, get bragging rights to scammy Internet advertisers and say "Look at all the traffic we get when we tease about some celebrity dying. Give us a banner ad!"

And so, making money today for GOOGLE and for the various Buzzfeed Spazzchow DailyBeast Decider HuffingtonPuff funnyname sites is...drum roll...(or keyboard flourish in this case), JIMMY GREENSPOON.

Who? Green who? No, not Green Day, kiddie.

Jimmy Greenspoon WAS one of Three Dog Night. And one is the loneliest number...

Jimmy's mortality was, unfortunately, well known to fans of the group, because he used fan websites to let them know...HE NEEDED MONEY.

Sorry, Seniormole, he couldn't TOUR ANYMORE with a BRAIN TUMOR.

Sorry, Seniormole, he couldn't hawk t-shirts and make back what he LOST due to your pals like Hans Demented, Willard Wormbrain and Zinfuck giving away every 3 Dog Night album.

There you are.

It's just another example of REALITY.

The truth is, not every rock star is rich or insured. Stealing the music for the past decade, has not helped aging rock stars.

You can bet that Seniormole has taken note of Greenspoon's passing, by posting in a forum, "Oh, that's a shame. RIP. Condolences to his family."

Meanwhile the usual "sharers" have gotten "nice comments" or giving away all the 3 Dog Night albums as a "tribute." Hoorah. "What a nice gesture, Zinfuck."

You can take Seniormole, by the way, as the code name for any supposedly "intelligent" member of a private stealing forum, or any pompous, self-absorbed twit who has a Twitter or Facebook account. I'm hoping one day that Seniormole will become a synonym for a particular type of insipid, talentless, witless and self-satisfied shoulder-shrugger who ignores any and all arguments that inconvenience him.

He's the one who raises his eyebrows over copyright violations and asks, "Why do these lawyer chaps fling their poo?" When the dying record companies try and shut down bastards like Kim Dotcom, he'll sip his wine and sigh, "This is a kerfuffle over nothing."

In a forum, he'll even be the type to use a selfie of himself with a glass of wine hiding half his geezer-esque face. "Salud!" As in, "More uploads, please, I'm rather enjoying this." And if pressed, he'll offer his utterly worthless opinions on an industry he knows nothing about. A favorite would be: "What the chaps need is a new paradigm, and I rather believe that would be Spotify. By Jove, I enjoy getting all my music that way, don't you know?"

Seniormole, don't you think it would've been less humiliating for Greenspoon to cash a royalty check than to hopelessly go on the Internet begging for his life?

' Seniormole, don't you wonder why the rest of 3 Dog Night didn't instantly raise the fucking money by playing a few clubs and selling t-shirts?

That kind of question doesn't concern Seniormole in the least, of course.

As he would tell you, after sipping more of his wine, and pausing his streaming of 3 Dog Night songs on Spotify, "I don't understand the kerfuffle. I truly don't."

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