Saturday, March 14, 2015

Israel and the Election - Are they Smart or Wimps?

The stereotype of the Jew includes such thing as "ooh, they are SO clever, SO smart."

And also, "oy they are SO neurotic and SO pathetic and noodgy."

Is anyone sure which is accurate, in contemplating the election in Israel on Tuesday?

Is it smart that two parties are combining to try and ouster the current administration?

Or is it neurotic, pathetic and noodgy that the plan is "If we win, we split it, and one party's leader is Prime Minister for two years, and then the OTHER party leader is Prime Minister for two years."

(At the moment, it seems this peculiar coalition is leading against Netanyahu).

England, which is not full of Jews, hasn't seen Miliband and Clegg unite to form one combination party to defeat Cameron. As in, "Miliband will be in and fuck things up for a few years, then Clegg will come in and fuck things up for a few years."

America? An election is coming up in 2016. Why bother? The favorites include Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz, representing various strains of liberal, independent and conservative and nutjob ideas. How about FUCK the election, and just let each of them take a year? One year, no abortion, next year government-paid abortion, next year, you can kill the kid you couldn't abort, and the year after that you can get the kid's weight in free government cheese?

Another stereotype of the Jews is "they are sneaky and crafty, and they'll make all kinds of deals to get their pound of flesh." I'm no political expert, but I've never heard, before this, of two rival parties combining to knock off the front-runner, and offering to share the spoils. But maybe England can top this. Who's to say Great Britain isn't greater or brainier? "We will fashion a suit like Siamese twins wear," said Clegg and Miliband in unison, "and we will walk around in unison side by side and BOTH run the country at the same time, if we defeat Cameron!"

It seems that the more prosperous countries, such as Russia and China, simply have a dictator, and the Arab countries have a lovely Muslim KING or Ayatollah who says "My way or your beheaded corpse on the highway." But, take it from the ever-weakening, ever-muddled, ever-confused, ever-compromising lumps who want to be a Prime Minister or President, and make sure to compromise so that nothing gets done. Arrive at the point where the public nods and thinks sharing the job and switching off every few years is a good idea.

Israel is onto something? Go in for two years, then step aside so somebody else can undo what you did, or just slow everything down by bringing in a new staff, ordering new drapes, and changing all the names on the doors. Sounds more wimpy than decisive and intelligent, but maybe I'm just not thinking as fuzzily as these Israeli geniuses are.

Some are suggesting that those lovely, harmless, peace-loving Palestinians will benefit most if Netanyahu loses to Yiddle-dee and Yiddle-dum. The Palestinians, who grinned while Hamas built elaborate underground tunnels to store weapons and foment the murder of Jewish children and housewives in playgrounds, will be in a wonderful win-win situation. If the "let's share the spoils" bunch get in, the Palestinians can refuse peace agreements with the first Prime Minister, then work on the second one. It's like playing one parent against the other. What a lovely game of embarrassment, humiliation and bravado the Palestinians can enjoy. Hey, they can even "Jew down" the Jews, which will only prove that they should have more of Israel because they're really The Chosen Pests.

Oh, another stereotype trait of the Jew is cheapness. As in, two Jews sitting down at a meal and "sharing" the entree, and asking for two glasses with one tea bag, and dipping the bag in one cup of hot water and then the next, and ordering a lot of free bread, and maybe asking for MORE hot water and two bowls, so they can put ketchup in it and pretend it's tomato soup. There's something CHEAP about two guys sharing being Prime Minister, isn't there? And who choose who gets to be Prime Minister first, and live in the government building for free? Or will they both share that building, and share the food and the pajamas and the rest of it, and even the same bedroom? Politics does make for strange bedfellows.

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