Thursday, March 19, 2015

Is YOUR Neighbor A. Savage? Monkey-Words from Ashley Brady's Nightmare

The story here is not about a victimized amputee.

It's about the dumbed down "culture" where rap-type insults and low-class "Maury Povich Show" people think they can "run their moufs."

Assimilation is supposed to mean, "put educated people among monkeys, and the monkeys will emulate the classy ones." No. It's the reverse. The educated ones start to rock their heads from side to side, make strange finger gestures, strut around, and make a big show of their lack of education. I ain't kiddin' girlfriend. Know wuttum sayin?

Grotesque white trash and black idiots are proud of their ignorance. They seem to infest all kinds of neighborhoods, working together at a Walmart, fighting with each other in some fucked up housing complex. Do you think Miamisburg, Ohio is a classy place, or is it full of factory workers and welfare cheats? Ugh, MIAMI-sburg one of those deliberately mis-named places that tries to fool idiots into moving there thinking they'll enjoy resort-like weather.

Speaking of STUPID, that headline IS missing the word LEG, and the colon is misplaced. DBTechno is the website that can't get "Miamisburg Woman With One Leg" right. So many websites just steal news items and in their haste to cut and paste, don't bother to check on what they're doing.

But if you e-mailed the moron who cobbled this story together, it's doubtful you'd get back some violent threat couched in black rap speak.

Ashley is white. The letter writer who said "Honey you aint the only one with struggles...I dont care..." is...what? One of the white trash idiots who admires and emulates low class blacks? Or a real authentic low class black? Either way, it suggests the food chain is ROTTING.

There used to be a time when people were ashamed to speak badly, spell badly and lack class. At best, like Liza Dolittle, they wanted to improve themselves at all costs. At worst, like her father, were too lazy to change, but didn't revel in being coarse, violent and disgusting.

Now? The media is telling everyone it's all right, and even ENTERTAINING, to be proudly stupid, selfish and scummy.

We're no longer laughing at the insane guttersnipes who get into fights on shows hosted by Jerry Springer or Maury Povich. We're supposed to BE like those people.

The joke used to be how a refined black woman could easily let the mask fall, wobble her head from side to side, and glare and say, "You gettin' a can o' whoop ass!" And if told that she mis-heard some insult or other, her response would a triumphantly illiterate shout of "No I di-ENT!"

How often have you suffered because a neighbor was proudly obnoxious, low-class and craven? A total SAVAGE. A prick who wanted everyone to stoop to his low level of piggery?

What a fucking nightmare when some stinking squatter, some arrogant asshole, somebody rude and retarded moves in and takes over. Suddenly it's smelly food, unbearable noise, and slovenly behavior ranging from dog shit all over the street to their OWN shit all over the street.

Indeed, tell them not to chew with their mouths open, not to disturb everyone on the bus with their shouting babble, or to be like everyone else and be clean, orderly and mindful of others...and you get threats.

It's nice to know that thousands of people on Farcebook, on media websites, even at the London Daily Fail, are absolutely disgusted by what happened to this amputee Ashley Brady. Hopefully, the bullying will turn the other way, and we'll get a look at who this fucking Neighbor-from-Hell is. My guess is some bitch who looks like a 50-something fat man with scraggly hair, a pot belly, and fat fingers that he uses to pick his nose, wipe his ass (sans toilet paper) and play the drums.

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