Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Ig and Nigerian. Pop is a Weasel

At first I thought it was a photo of that dwarf guy, Peter Dingus or whatever his name is, I thought the paps had caught him, and some Beyonce or Rhianna or whatever, going to some meaningless premiere.

Nah, it was Icky Poop and his wife. Really? They're news? When was the last time this guy recorded a song anybody cared about? Around the same time Fred and Wilma Flintstone tied the knot?

WIFE? The woman is smart. She's not hanging around this fossil without a diamond on her finger.

What's amusing about this disgusting combination, is that it's yet another example of what money can do. It can get a very ugly, prune-like gimp laid. As in, "black girls wanna get fucked all night..." and let HER get on top.

Yeah I know, I was quoting a song lyric by an even more wrinkled geezer there, Mick Jagger. That's only because Iggy Pop has never written a line that anybody has ever quoted.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, he was always some kind of freak show. Oooh, let's watch this idiot cut his chest, or smear peanut butter on himself, or maybe he'll knock out one of his own teeth. Even when he briefly flirted with androgyny and the Bowie stuff, it was never about the music, it was about the stage antics.

So what's this high tone ho' doing with him? Getting her name and face in the papers, that's about it. And being set for life when they divorce or he keels over.

The stereotype of the fuck-mad black woman pales (ha ha, ho ho) next to the pale man with the MONEY. So he pops some boner pills. Or doesn't. All he obviously cares about is presenting the illusion that he's SO sexy and studly, he can make it with the kind of woman that would leave Jagger gasping, "I don't have that much jam."

Behind closed doors maybe she's lesbian and he just watches while she jumps on the hotel maid. Whatever it is, it's good enough to get a a nobody and a faded former rock-star name into the papers. Pop pop go the flashes, and Ickypoo can think he's still important. In fact, as soon as the paps cluster around this smear, he makes sure to look the other way, like he doesn't want himself and his trophy wife seen.

Being seen is not only pathetic when you're not being heard, it's not very effective, either.

Ask 90% of music fans what Iggy's last name is, and they'll answer AZALEA.

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