Thursday, March 26, 2015


Oh, we LOVE the Internet, honest, we do. We DO.

Once in a while someone tries to "ruin our fun" by complaining about Pirate Bay or 4Chan or other noble sites that champion "freedom of speech."

Some even think it's bad that kids can go on line and view all kinds of sex and gore websites, which can warp them into heartless monsters.

Happily, bullying, porn, bootlegging, insults and MORE porn...RULE!

That's right, Katy. These guys aren't saying "ha ha, it's a Photoshop fake." And no no, better tuck your pretty heads in the soft sand, Ashley Judd and Taylor Swift and Emily Watson or YOU will get WORSE.

The website pretends to be run by our favorite people in the world, the filthy Arab swine.

After all, WHO are the most feared race on Earth? The filthy Arab swine.

So the message here is, if you DARE to object, ladies, you will get "THE LARA LOGAN," which is, Arab hands up your cunt till you pass out, and you'll still feel it YEARS later, and have to go to the hospital. And no, relations with your husband will NEVER be the same.

Around the world, people may hate and despise the Jews, and whisper that Jews control the banks and not a single Jew died in the Holocaust, but they don't say BOO about how it is that the Jews, so RICH, don't have the BILLIONS that ISIS does.

Wouldn't it seem that the evil Jews, who drink the blood of Christian babies, and are the Devil spawn, would be using their banking skills, and their knowledge of science, and cutting diamonds, and inventing psychiatry, to RULE THE WORLD? Why is it that ISIS and HAMAS and PROCOL HARUM are doing that? Why is it that Jews are basically living on a sliver of a sandbox, and cringing in little shops in the USA, France, England and Germany while Arabs emigrate all over, push everyone around, cloak themselves in disguises, demand Halal meals for their school brats, refuse to assimilate, and stink up the air with their butchered goats and their hummus?


Let's not say a word about all the terrorist attacks around the globe done by Muslims. Let's keep scapegoating kikes.

Let's all scream about the fucking Jews controlling everything when there's 15 million of 'em and TWO BILLION Muslims, and it's the Muslims who have ALL the money and who have the terrorist organizations that are outdoing the Colombian drug cartels and the Mafia in spreading destruction, extortion and fear to EVERYONE EVERYWHERE.

So it's only natural that this website, a variant on a thousand "Celebrity Abuse" websites, openly considers themselves performing JIHAD on rich bitches that deserve it.

Soon enough will come beheading videos and photos of naked women, which will go nicely with "Rotten" dot com sites that happily show pictures of Sharon Tate's bloody corpse. What fun!

Oh...and along with humiliating women and invading their privacy, don't neglect the KIKE jokes!

Abusing and humiliating women, and tossing in some Jew jokes. Come on, IF I'M BEING HONEST...what's not to like?

The site is probably run by some nasty Jews. Maybe it's the son of the late Al Goldstein, the publisher of SCREW. Or it's just some bunch of British kids in a basement somewhere, wearing their Guy Fawkes masks and mum's knickers, and having SUCH a lot of fun as far away from actual vaginas as they can get.

Now, here's something amusing: a kerfuffle over a TWEET.

What? There's actual INDIGNATION and morality SOMEWHERE in the world? Well, yes. Not much, but...

There is actually a teeny-tiny bunch of people, called broadcasters (not "shock jocks") who are NOT allowed to say bad words like "boobs."

They are not allowed to call women sluts, cunts or twats.

They could ACTUALLY get fired for behaving like a 14 year-old.

Astonishing, isn't it? In a world where eBay allows sales of "celebrity fantasy" porn in their "adult section," and the London Daily Fail runs pictures of "wardrobe malfunctions" and slutty rap idiots in thongs so tiny it looks like they're naked, a TWEET actually got reported with...indignation!

Oh, tell us MORE...

Goodness gracious!

Can you imagine? A radio broadcaster actually sweating about losing his job? Calling himself "stupid?" Apologizing because he liked an incompetent woman's TITS? She was hired because of her TITS not because she knows anything about sports.

Clearly this "exception" will happen less and less. Women will have to learn that they are going to be insulted, abused, visually raped, victimized by upskirt pictures and Photoshop jobs and humiliating telephoto lens views and snickering "wardrobe malfunction" pictures if their skirts waft up in the breeze (even if, like Taylor Swift, they're wearing full coverage knickers).

More and more, the JIHAD is taking over.

As with musicians and actors and writers, who have discovered themselves raped by free downloads of their music, books, TV shows and movies, women are just going to have to grin and realize they are getting the JIHAD. Just like ISIS, and HAMAS and PROCOL HARUM, guys who run websites like JIHAD, or sell fake nudes on eBay or circulate "revenge porn" in forums are NOT going to stop, are NOT going to jail, and are NOT going to have their FUN ruined.

Like climate change, we have "taste change." Tastes are changing. They are getting more brutal, nasty, unforgiving, jeering, snotty, sarcastic, vicious and bratty. Don't like it? TOUGH TITTIES!

KATY PERRY TITTIES! Come on, aren't you just waiting for your friends, your neighbors, your sister, your have nude photos on some Croatian "ARSEBOOK" website where Mr. Zinfuck laughs and says "I'm a PIRATE and I'm NEVER taking these pictures down." Aren't you gonna LOVE it when pictures of you in a public restroom are on "MEGA DUMP LOAD," the website run by Kim Snotcom, the millionaire who is making a fortune off your embarassment and humiliation? Come on, that's FREEDOM OF SPEECH! Don't start a kerfuffle. Accept that in the 21st Century there's no privacy. No taste. No rules. You are either part of the JIHAD, HA HA HA, or... are the VICTIM.

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