Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Gun Nuts are Such an Easy Target

Excuuuuuuuuse me for NOT covering the Mark David Chapman element of the world. It's just not too amusing when that overfed tub of Christian lard (Jesus forgives him) comes up before the parole board. He brags about himself, talks about how he's a CHRISTIAN now, and lectures the world about what he wants to do with his life, which doesn't involve staying cooped up for some minor, "stupid" thing he did. Not when Jesus forgives him.

Gun nuts. They mock Gaby Giffords' brain-damaged speech, and insist they need machine guns around the house, and grin about the joy of shooting birds out of the sky. They pose proudly with the rare animals they killed "on safari" thanks to carefully orchestrated "hunts" with can't-miss howitzers.

They insist no children were ever killed by Adam Lanza, and that all mass killings are hoaxes, and then they bring out their surly slogan to end all debates: "GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE! ONLY PEOPLE DO!"

It's too easy to make fun of these bastards, and it's useless because if you do, all they'll do is come after you and kill you, and say "Jesus forgives me." But yes, every day these redneck scumbags prove just how violent, irrational and hateful they are. Today's little reminder:

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