Friday, March 13, 2015

McDonald's - Where Blacks Meet to Beat

Who in their right mind would eat at a McDonald's? ANY McDonald's?

They attract the lowest element of violent slob. Even if the fast food joint is located in a fairly decent part of town, chances are that all the scum in the area (public school brats, homeless, crazies, drug addicts) will hang out there. News stories on fast-food beatdowns are so common, it takes something special to get attention, like underage GIRLS getting into a violent brawl.

Some 15 year-old cunt did the familiar "call out," and in the middle of McDonalds, happily got into a tussle with a slightly older, bigger bimbo. She'd learned techniques from various YouTube videos, like "pull the other girl's sweatshirt off so she's only in her bra." Even so, the tween got her ass kicked, with a bunch of other girls joining in, and she ended up on the floor. She got the front page for it.

Feel sorry for her? Hell no, the little cunt proudly went on FARCEBOOK to declare "I'm FAMOUS!"

It was only a day later that the other idiot was identified and charged. And guess what, she's 16 and already has a child.

The girl's mother wants nothing to do with her, and huffs that she has "no idea" how her daughter got to be such a monster.

All right then, shall we be old farts and say "kids today" are "listening to bad music" and "watching garbage TV and movies?"

Do you think these beeeee-atches were listening to James Taylor albums and watching "Casablanca" or even "Star Wars?"

Of course Mayor De Blah Blah Blah has been invisible through all of this. This is because he can't blame whites. He can't whine in public that HIS black children would've been innocent victims when it was all black-on-black crime in a store run and managed by a black staff. He wouldn't even step out and say "Gosh, I have a black daughter that age, and I'd be embarrassed if she did something like that."

Oh. His black daughter is currently recovering from an addiction problem. Imagine that.

Responsible black people have left comments complaining about how utterly humiliating and WRONG the situation is, and that Whitey ain't to blame:

Mayor De Blah Blah Blah will still be hiding in his warthog hole, rutting with his ugly wife, and sleeping late (he is never on time for anything). What a leader.

Any easy solution here? Not when ignorant idiots gravitate to mindless amusement. Rap music is not The Beatles. Rap music is not Elton John, or Taylor Swift. The message is to glorify violence, and that's the message in the streets. Everyone admires gangsta behavia from the nigga. Even in sports, which is supposed to teach us, ah, SPORTSMANSHIP, the highlights are of brawls, and of sports figures who spend their spare time punching their wives and shooting themselves in strip clubs.

I'm sure if you read a tourist guide to NYC, you will NOT be told "Stay the fuck out of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, stay out of the East Tremont section of the Bronx, stay out of...." No. Political correctness dictates that you can't state anything remotely "racist," like, "this is a black neighborhood." Anymore than "This is a Muslim neighborhood." You're barely allowed to say "Chinatown is a Chinese neighborhood," except that the Chinese welcome tourists and it's a safe part of town.

Pop culture is a barometer of the times. It reflects exactly what people want. And too many people want outrageous sex and violence, and too many ethnics actually enjoy ethnic stereotyping. The big deal in America lately has been "Oooh, it's 50 years since SELMA." They're making a big deal out of something a lot have forgotten, or don't remember, or don't think is such a big deal at all. It sure hasn't been on the radar until the big 50th Anniversary. But if you look at the people who marched, you'll see two very interesting things.

First off, you'll see a lot of whites, and particularly, a lot of New York Jews. They had the money, the time, and the morality to go down and try and help another minority group. Secondly, you'll see WELL DRESSED black people. The point was, "we are NOT different from you. We have dignity." Dr. King always wore a suit and tie. So did everyone else. The aspiration was assimilation. Basically, everybody in America wanted to be John Wayne, white, black, Italian, Jewish, male or female. Everybody wanted to be JFK or Jackie. Everybody wanted to live like the sitcom families did. The Beatles came to America and WORE SUITS. They loved Elvis and Buddy Holly.

Now? Now every group has its own warped role models and they're taking the easy way out. It's DON'T assimilate. Wear a fucking burka. Listen to shitty music. You can't even shake somebody's hand because THEY have a secret handshake. Kids have secret code words and abbreviations. NOBODY gets along.

And the one area where one would think people get along...eating cheap fucking cheeseburgers and Coke and French the likeliest place to get the crap you've eaten beaten out of you.

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