Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Anonymous Nazis vs Trump the Fascist

Here's an amusing front page story today:

Anyone get the irony of this?

I've said it before. The real NAZI and FASCIST scumbags are the ones who scream so much about "Freedom of Speech" and want to DENY IT to others. They are the self-entitled rationalizing greedhead brats who say "Copyright is COPY WRONG." They make up their own rules. Assange says "Transparency!" and won't talk about whether he raped women or not. HE wants to run a website where he profits by stealing and tossing around government secrets, and calls himself a hero. What if Putin was doing it? Would HE be a hero, too?

From Hitler scapegoating Jews to Kim Dotcom scapegoating record labels, there's never been a shortage of dictators who spin-doctor the truth so that ignorant assholes will feel justified in grabbing their pitchforks and torches and doing their dirty work.

How about these ISIS leaders and the fabulous Ayatollah and the grand Bin Laden, who tell idiots to go blow themselves up because they'll get virgin goats in heaven...but who don't want to martyr themselves? Hey Bin Laden, why were you hiding with your zillion wives instead of standing up and getting offed so you could go to heaven? Don't really BELIEVE in that shit, huh?

And here we have these moronic Anonymous jerks in those faggoty-grin fop masks, telling everyone that THEY don't like Trump so THEY will...bully him and be Nazi Fascists and deny him freedom of speech and the right to run a campaign and let THE PEOPLE VOTE.

Got that? Anonymous has decided THEY know what's best. Like Assange. Like Hitler. Anonymous will judge who can run for President. Anonymous will decide what website business can be left alone and which ones can be harassed. Anonymous somehow RULES.

Donald Trump is out there. He could get a bullet in the head at any time. But a few sneaky cowards hiding on the Internet want everything to go THEIR way. They know that if they're even caught they wouldn't get more than a slap on the mouse.

How disgusting and hypocritical does it get? Donald Trump is running his mouth. It's just talk. He's not ISIS. He's not PROCOL HARUM. He's not leading organized squads of KILLERS and RAPISTS to take advantage of innocent citizens. At worst, he wants to block Muslims from flooding into the country, and build a wall to keep away murderous Mexican drug thugs. He's not advocating killing people like ISIS is. But...

Somehow Anonymous doesn't want to block ISIS from getting their illegal Bitcoins? Doesn't want to mangle the ISIS network so they can't alert each other to where to bring the bootleg oil or the drugs? How about, closer to home, why doesn't Anonymous expose the Pakistani immigrant scumbags who are dragging white British girls off the streets and into prostitution? Nah. Better to try and knock Trump's website off line for an hour.

Am I a big fan of Trump? Of course not. But here's a strange idea: if the American people want to vote for him, they should be allowed to vote for him. The legal answer is to find somebody who can beat him. You want to find fault, blame Ted Cruz. Blame Marco Rubio. Blame Chris Christie. Blame that cowardly weasel Paul Ryan (the noted killer of animals for sport) who refused to run.

What the fuck, you knock off Trump and you think TED CRUZ is a prize? The fucking governor of TEXAS, where more people get the death penalty than all the other states combined? Give Trump credit for saying exactly what he (and many) feel: that there are too many immigrants coming in, too many fuckheads who don't speak the language, and too many entitled monkeys who think they deserve a break because they're too lazy to make their own. Listen, as "racist" as America supposedly is, it didn't prevent Oprah Winfrey or Will Smith or Ben Carson or thousands upon thousands of other blacks from prospering.

But I digress. One reason Trump continues to rise in popularity is that he is now viewed as an underdog who is being targeted by all kinds of odious special interest groups, from corrupt hack Republican scumbags like Ted Cruz to lazy Black Lives Matters morons to Nazi "Anonymous" punks who don't believe in "Freedom of Speech."

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