Sunday, March 27, 2016

Should we Spic of Easter "Fun?" Muzz we?

Oh, let's NOT keep blaming Muslims for every atrocity.

Topping the leaderboard for today's celebration of Easter is a spic who merely swung a rabbit by the ears, gave it a blunt-force trauma death, and then set it on fire.

Can you top THAT one, today, Muzzies?

Oops. Sure you can. How about 65 Pakistani, mostly women and children, blown up by a cowardly Muslim at a park? See, the women and kids were enjoying Easter Sunday, but if you're a MUSLIM, that's an OUTRAGE. Christians are not allowed to live in peace. Why, they're almost as bad as Jews.

ISIS wasn't involved in this one, it was the good ol' Taliban. Their idea is simple enough: fear God and fear those who represent God on Earth. That's the strict, conservative, hypocritical world of the Taliban. Guys can rape and loot and kill, especially if it's against some other religion. Women and children definitely have to live like prisoners. Or as Jimmy Carter said when asked why he didn't tell his Arab pals to stop the genital mutilation of women: "It's their culture."

Fine culture.

So, white people in general, and Christians in particular, worry about Easter Sunday. Is nothing sacred? Allah yes, everybody else's beliefs, NO.

So, a Sunday stroll in the park, or maybe taking in a Mariah Carey concert? Not so fast!

Let's just take a tip from Polyanna Scarlett O'Hara. Maybe tomorrow there won't be some rabbit-torturing spic playing games tomorrow, or a mass-bombing from some retard promised virgins in heaven. "Tomorrow's gonna be another day: "After all, tomorrow is another day."

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