Sunday, March 20, 2016

Who's a Scary Politician, Then?

For a change, the UK and USA have both seen the rise of SCARY POLITICIANS and (here's the interesting part) people who FIGHT THEM and bring 'em down.

In the UK, evil Iain Duncan Smith was somehow forced to resign. It might be an oily trick (so he can blame it all on the PM and then be invited back). Still, he DID quit, and a man noted for evil and arrogance is moaning that he didn't really want to be a bad guy; he was just following orders. Where have we heard THAT before?

My first impression of this guy was that he was an obnoxious prick. I'd see him constantly jeering, teasing, making faces at, and trying to discombobulate fluttery Tony Blair. He relished being the leading voice of the opposition, to the point of pomposity. He walked around like somebody's bull dog, ready to bite.

Actually, it reminded me of Prof. Moriarty, but his adversary being Dr. Watson. Blair was more of a Dr. Watson, the kind who'd say to a growling animal, "Good dog, good winnie, nice fella," and shrug and look around helplessly. At these idiot meetings, Blair did bounce up off his seat, ridiculously huge book in hand, and fire back against Dunker's teeth-gnashing insults and innuendo, but his voice always seemed about to break.

Now the idea is that Smith wouldn't be so bad if he came back in a job that suits him: dispossessing and kicking out immigrants. Bwa-ha-haaa.

In the USA, the opposite of bald Dunk is wild-haired Trump. Trump is likewise viewed as nasty, opinionated, impossible to debate, and someone who relishes being rotten. He also has fans for these very reasons. An interesting editorial in one of the local papers came from a Democrat who admits he's considering voting for Trump.

Trump, after all, doesn't like immigrants. He doesn't like China and Mexico taking American jobs. He isn't very PC when it comes to dismissing twats who become debate moderators only because they have long blonde hair. He IS the guy who owns the Miss Universe pageant and has had several trophy wives and doesn't pretend to be a wimpy feminist. He was refreshingly blunt about his fellow candidates, especially the obese, stupid, sleepy, grumpy and freakish. OK, he doesn't suffer fools gladly or diplomatically. Scary? Yes, but a lot of people are glad to have a realist and a businessman who has pride in America, and if he isn't soft-spoken, well, fuck it. As Harry Truman said, "If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen."

Paragraph three in this editorial reeks of Billy Joel's song 'Allentown.' Billy of course has made a living (as have many others) by being a poet of the working class. No question about it, the middle class fought World War II, built the suburbs, established family values, and became displaced by immigrants and minorities, and gouged by the Taxman while the rich and poor slept.

Most of us believe as news reporter Tom Brokaw did, that our parents or grand parents were "The Greatest Generation," with principles, hopes, and a sense of fairness...all of it BETRAYED.

How pathetic for so many of them to grow old and see their hard work ruined, their savings eroded, their values spit on by ingrate immigrant scum and lazy self-entitled shits.

Politicians may pretend to care about the middle class, but they spend more time secretly winking at rich donors, and then crawling around poor ignorant neighborhoods grinning and pretending to care. In the end, they know that the middle class never riots and has no influence; the rich and the poor are another story.

At this point, and since Republicans tend to be white and middle class (or rural), Trump has found a huge voting block to support him. Even blacks like him, because most want law and order in their neighborhoods. Latinos? Not many Republicans in that group. They went with Rubio and in such small numbers he didn't even win his home state of Florida. He bowed out.

Right now there's a new fight in the USA, as Trump is being viewed as so SCARY, and so likely to win the nomination, that people are resorting to violence. They set up road blocks so his supporters can't get to hear him speak. They bring in ringers to start fights or to try and throw things at him. And of course there's the pimply twits of Anonymous who aren't even American, but love an opportunity to bully and blabber and pretend they are more than just geeks with a few very obvious computer hack tricks that they read in some book they stole off Kickass.

We are living in strange times, and there's little reason for optimism, but when Smith can squirm away and resign, and SOME people are demanding to get away from Eurotrash idiots and their stupid ideas, and when Trump can tap into the anger of the middle class, well, that's at least providing amusement where there's usually nothing but disgust.

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