Wednesday, March 16, 2016

"Screw the Irish, How About That, Folks??" Frank Dell

MEMES. Who doesn't LURV those fucking MEMES.

Mick Morons are flooding SOCIAL (disease) MEDIA with THIS ONE:

Isn't the "Keep Calm..." slogan a well known and loved BRITISH catch-phrase? Wasn't it spoken during World War II when ENGLAND (not Ireland) was being tested by Nazi cowards in bomber planes?

Thanks to the Internet, it's been corrupted for all kinds of numbskull gags. It seems you can't even walk into a store without some fucking "Keep Calm, Eat Candy" or "Keep Calm, Buy A Book" poster.

And the fucking IRISH have to steal it?

As if ANYONE has to be reminded of one of the WORST DAYS OF THE YEAR?

As if there's anything "Calm" about fucking ST. PATRICK'S DAY?

The Irish ARE an annoying bunch. Who could stand to move there and listen to that fucking brogue? Every group that is overly impressed with its own idiot catch-phrases and "lilting" accent needs a good kick in the arse. That goes for blacks, Jews, Jamaicans, you name it. ETHNIC shit is amusing for an hour or two. Live with it for even a day (St. Patrick's Day) and you can become VERY racist VERY fast.

It didn't take me long to become VERY tired of a Mick moron who, acting as if he's still living in the OLD COUNTRY, liked to end his wearying opinionated drunken rants with a wink and a cheery, "What say YOU?"

What say ME? I'm not in fucking Ireland, and neither are YOU, so CONSTRUCT YOUR SENTENCE LIKE AN AMERICAN or GO BACK TO ERIN.

Jesus Fuckin' Christ. "It's a great day for the Irish." Right, and nobody else, because nobody else thinks it's a great day if it involves wearing a plastic green hat and puking on the sidewalk.

This reminds me of Lenny Bruce's "Comedian at the Palladium" bit. He envisioned a hack comic named Frank Dell, trying desperately to get a laugh. When Val Parnell is about to yank him off that venerable London stage, Frank shouts, "Screw the Irish! How about that, Folks?"

It doesn't quite get him the saving applause he had hoped for.

But let's be clear, on St. Patrick's Day, most anyone who isn't Irish is thinking, for one day, "SCREW THE IRISH, HOW ABOUT THAT, FOLKS?"

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