Monday, March 14, 2016

Media Bitches About Sarah Palin's ASS?

It's really fuckin' hard to keep up with the idiot media and what they censor and what they consider politically incorrect.

One day the DAILY FAIL is showing Kuntrashian ASS photos while some other paper pastes a big fat black square over her butt crack to absorb the shock. Another day, the NY POST will quote some ass calling someone a BITCH, while the Daily News will bring out the assterisks because B***H is now taboo. Sometimes even "penis" is coyly referred to as "genitalia" and "vagina" becomes "lady parts."

Same deal on TV, where late night talk show banter routinely use ASS and BITCH but once in a while, those words are censored.

George Carlin laughed about this shit, and mentioned "two way" words like SNATCH, PUSSY and BOX. You can't say them if you are referring to a TWAT, but you can point to a cat and say "Let's snatch that pussy and put it in a box."

Today? A FEMALE...A WOMAN...a former GOVERNOR of one of the United States, said ASS.

And some fuck-up at CBS censored it!

As if we don't know what A** means?

If the idea is to shield sensitive people from a bad word, why is it that a female who once was governor and is a staunch "family values" conservative freely used it?

Have you noticed that photos of a naked ASS are ok if it's an ugly one?

I don't think any newspaper EVER censored a photo of a male celebrity showing his ass.

Too bad Strunk & White's "Elements of Style" doesn't have a chapter on when ASS and BITCH and BASTARD and BINT and...NECROPHILIA are allowable in a newspaper.

Jesus Fuckin' Christ.

As to the actual article, by the way: who gives a rat's ass? Palin, one of the most embarrassing dimwits in America (and that's saying something) has decided to cheerlead for Trump. I think she just wanted to latch on to the candidate most likely to get HER the most attention, and Trump's a showman who recognizes a publicity whore when he sees one.

It's nice that Sarah is so eager to say or do anything to get attention, that she even put some bitching remark about "punk ass" protesters ahead of PRETENDING to care about her retarded husband's accident.

TODD injured himself on a snowmobile. What an ASSHOLE. How does an Alaskan do that? Nevermind. The family is one big train wreck, especially the twats, including unwed mommmy Bristol Palin, an inane loudmouth slut moron. The family is loaded with imbecile-named spawn including Piper Palin, Willow Palin, Track Palin and Trig Palin, and they are such an inbred bunch of lunatics some thought that Trig was actually the spawn of slutty Bristol and that "Mama Grizzly" Sarah pretended it was hers to preserve the family name. This was back when the name wasn't a total joke, and the bitch was simply the perky governor of a state nobody cared much about.

David Letterman, you might recall, joked about slutty Bristol and Sarah Palin deliberately pretended the joke was about 14 year-old Willow. At the time almost NOBODY even heard of Willow Palin. Bristol was the busty boneheaded bint always in the news. Still, Sarah raised a stink that had a few "tea party" morons picketing Letterman and demanding he be fired.

Back then, jokes about slutty Bristol were common. Jay Leno: “Governor Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. And you thought John Edwards was in trouble before!” (John Edwards was a politician noted for screwing around).

Dave joked, “Sarah Palin went to a Yankees game yesterday. There was one awkward moment during the seventh-inning stretch: her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.” (Rodriguez, a player noted for screwing around).

EVERYBODY knew it was a joke about slutty Bristol. Sarah however called Dave "perverted" and flew the pedophile flag made from her own knickers, and everyone saluted.

Sarah, by the way, had been a deserved target of Letterman's barbs for years. He mentioned how she went to a local store: she "bought makeup at Bloomingdale’s to update her ‘slutty flight attendant’ look.”

But I digress. The point is that BITCH and ASS are in the dictionary and they are just fine.

As for Sarah Palin, I'm sure the bitch's ass is pretty fine, but I could do without seeing it.

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