Friday, March 25, 2016

Muzzie Scum targeting Sprouts or White Devils?

A lot of people can't figure what the Sprouts have done to piss off the Musli-Monkeys.

At best, it looks like Belgium made the mistake of welcoming in all these hummus-faced hysterics, and NOT converting the whole country to Islam and NOT giving them palaces to live in, and all the virgins they wanted to defile.

Some monkeys found themselves living in shitty neighborhoods with (gasp) BLACK people. Now, many blacks are Muslims, but the ISIS crowd doesn't like niggers. Not really. Look at the photos of the Musli-Monkeys that blew up Paris and now Belgium. Very pale, with the pubic beard-wisps.

It makes you wonder if the airport attack was actually NOT aimed at the Sprouts at all. After all, who is likely to be in an airport? WHITE TOURISTS.

The American media is, of course, hooting and hollering about two AMERICANS killed. Fuck the Sprouts. "Were any AMERICANS killed? Oh good Lord those heathens killed AMERICANS!"

Yes and no. The peculiar looking siblings were actually Dutch. The guy was, of course, a hugely obese Dutchman who was crying to become an American and live in Cal E. Fornia. He supposedly had a great sense of humor. Like Photoshopping Laura Bush with her bush showing. Har har.

And you can imagine the Musli-Monkey rage at his sister, the heathen bitch who was NOT wearing a burqa and was actually exposing her head, wearing make-up, AND doing "DUCKFACE."

You know, Allah does NOT allow women to do "DUCKFACE." Animals are not meant to be imitated, except maybe dog-style fucking. As long as it's a man and a llama or sheep.

Did the Musli-Monkeys go to the airport to target white tourists, especially duckface white women and obnoxiously obese smirking white men? Do NOT dismiss the theory. And do not gorge on food or make a stupid face for a selfie. The life you save may be your own.

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