Monday, March 21, 2016

Muslim with a Fake Penis Missile - Feel Good Story

Is this really the feel-good story of the day?

The idiot media is cheering "44 Year Old Loses Virginity!"

And no, it's not about Susan Boyle or Knickerless Payne.

Some Arab who skidded his dick off in a childhood accident has been fitted with some ridiculous tube made out of falafel and hummus, and he got to fuck a literal publicity whore.

He's happy. You should be, too. Or are you? Who the fuck really cares if our bizarre technology can fake a penis? It's not a real one by any stretch. This is why all those crazy dykes who've become "men" aren't that happy. All they've got is some ugly bionic-giggy with some kind of hydraulic lift, and IF they manage to arduously do some fucking while making sure something is rubbing on what's left of their clit, well...that's "something." Go talk to Chaz Bono about how happy he is.

Jeez, talk to Caitlyn Jenner, who ain't giving up "her" dick for an artificial twat.

Yes, artificial genitals, like a face transplant, can give some semblance of normality to a total monster, but it's no reason to be d-d-d-d-d-dancing in the street.

Abad ben Bent-dick is a Brit, or a Scotsman, or something. Since he's a non-threatening Muzzie and works as a guard, and might actually not let in ISIS where he works, British media have been kind. He's been invited on many a nauseating morning TV show where a well-scrubbed white woman and her slightly nervous well-scrubbed white male partner sit primly and listen to the 'eathen's rather gruesome description of how his fake-dick works.

Which leads to the inevitable question, "I wonder how he feels." Since he has no idea what normal is, he obviously feels pretty good about himself.

Christ, look at the poses from that whore. She knows this is her 15 minutes of fame. Via a few inches of plastic and rubber and a fat guy with lamb breath.

Why this guy is SO joyful he wants the world to know, I have no idea. It doesn't seem like a great reason for fame, but like fat jerks who open packages from Amazon in front of a GooTube camera, and little lollipop-figure bints with giant eyes like to sing Taylor Swift covers, there IS the allure of...FAME.

This isn't an obese dickless Arab with a Proctor-Silex doo-dad between his legs. He's a CELEBRITY. He's another David Gest.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, he's an obese ugly guy who has a freakish appliance between his legs and paid for sex with a whore.

The whore is now known all over the world as a whore. She thinks this is going to get her the cover of Playboy or Maxim? Er, no. She thinks it'll get her more clients? Well, yes, probably a collection of burn victims, amputees, scat freaks and Darren Lock.

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