Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Some GOOGLE Asshole makes $100 million a year

What could anyone do that's worth $100 million a year?

Especially at Google?

How many rotten schemes to cheat copyright owners can you come up with? "Hmm, let's see, let's make people go through hoops sending a takedown to Blogspot, or YouTube. Let's make sure that if some author doesn't want a Google Cloud downloading her books so that wog-shits from Sri Lanka can make $5 a title on eBay, we publish her complaint on a "Chilling Effects" website so that they can "get even" with her." Any other bright ideas, Mr. One Hundred Million?

"Why don't we give people just a few pennies, like Spotify does, for their "hard work" in uploading to Google? Why don't we festoon uploads with tedious ads so that to see one minute of a YouTube novelty you must sit through 30 seconds of a jerky ad? Let's take a high percentage on Google Wallet transactions, our attempt at being Paypal. Let's be sure to let slimeballs and pornographers use our service after Paypal banned them. Hmm, what else can we do that's nasty?"

Go ahead and brainstorm. Sit around all day thinking vile thoughts, and be sure to take plenty of coffee breaks (having Starbucks lattes flown in by fucking drone).

Does THAT guy look very intelligent to you? He looks like he's issuing a fatwa.

Considering what the presidents of countries get, which is often barely $100,000, why is THIS bastard making ONE HUNDRED MILLION??

Herr Eric Schmidt's still got the record, raking in $108.7 million in 2014.

All the fine young cannibals on the Internet insist that songwriters and authors and cartoonists and writers all make a fortune, and so it's great to steal from them. People cheer "Google is Your Friend," because the search engine leads them to tons of piracy sites. Hell, Google doesn't even care if it leads its lambs to the slaughter: all those malware sites that pretend to offer porn, software crack codes and streaming PPV shows.

Remember when everyone loved Google because unlike AltaVista and other idiot search engines, you could actually find things, and not just see endless porn sites with the names YOU searched stuck in them? Google quickly began a corrupt extortion scheme where people had to PAY to make sure their legit websites were placed ahead of bogus ones. How LOVELY.

People rationalize that it's ok to steal movies and books and music because Sony and the RIAA and Random House make money. Well, how many CEO's in those places make ONE HUNDRED MILLION? How many businesses treat their employees to free gym time, free snacks, and hours off to sit around and jerk off and be Millennial loafers?

For SOME people, the 21st Century ain't shite at all. But they ain't "sharing" the ONE HUNDRED MILLION, the way everyone's supposed to "share" the latest album some indie rock group made with their life savings.

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