Wednesday, March 23, 2016

NYC: Beat up Jews but Ban the Chews!

What ARE the priorities in Bill De Lousio's NYC?

The shark-faced flat-headed corrupt hack mayor is never too predictable. He promised a ban on carriage horses slaving away in Central Park. THAT NEVER HAPPENED.

Does that mean "quality of life" issues are dead? Yes and no. Yes, "quality of life" is down in New York City. People are getting slashed in the face by joyful thugs looking for a thrill, or wanting to prove they can belong to a gang. Blacks routinely sucker-punch Orthodox Jews, with the hope that it'll be a knockout, which can be shown to all their friends. Yock yock yock.

The city has miserable "services" for Medicaid users. Transit is not dependable. People are living with roaches and rats, and it's not that uncommon for tenants to be complaining for months about no heat or hot water. Assholes can scofflaw and have police, transportation or sanitation shrug about it. And yet...laws do get passed.

They just have to be stupid laws that benefit only a few minorities or weirdos. Enter, Corey Johnson, a councilman who represents a rather faggoty part of Manhattan.

What's on Corey's mind? Increasing penalties for monkey-boy pizza delivery thugs who wander around hallways after they deliver a pie, searching for an open door and a woman to rape? Nah. There was a case a while ago, in your area Corey, but so what.

How about those carriage horses, Corey? Nah.

Maybe there should be no tax on toilet paper. How about that? No, huh?

You wouldn't think of banning stinky halal food carts from blocking traffic or being parked on the fucking sidewalk, would you? Didn't think so.

How about making it a hate crime when monkeys obviously go after Orthodox Jews, drag queens, bitches in burqas or other stand-outs? No. OK.

How about making sure landlords don't push out supermarkets by raising the rent 300%? No?

Maybe it would be nice if there was a ban on erecting more giant ugly skyscrapers blotting the sun? Oops, you get landlord donation money, right?

So, Corey, what DID drive you to push and shove and fight and take up time at city council meetings? What was the bill dearest to your heart?


In this era of rampant crime, pollution, stress and misery, you said what?


As a former Little Leaguer, I can tell you that whatever the pro baseball players did, we emulated. That included rubbing our hands with dirt before picking up a bat. It included perfecting a squinty gaze and a strut to the plate. It included a pointless ritual of tapping the bat on home plate. It included filling our mouths with a huge wad of bubble gum (in lieu of chewing tobacco). And it involved spitting.

Banning chewing tobacco is supposed to prevent kids from using it? Hey, FUCKWIT, nobody sells chewing tobacco to kids. So what the FUCK is your problem?

Is it you forecast that at the age of 18 or 21, and when it's almost impossible to find enough people or enough space to have a baseball game, guys are suddenly going to start chewing tobacco because they remembered ball players doing it?

Ever BEEN to a fucking baseball game, Corey? There are assholes cursing in front of little kids. That's not against the law. People are rude and obnoxious. People are drinking beer. In certain areas, people smoke, do drugs, blare radios, and defy stadium police to do anything about it.

Yet, somebody's gonna notice a guy chewing a bit of tobacco? Putting "a little pinch between" cheek and gum, and spitting into a beer cup? REALLY?

Very few major league players chew tobacco anymore. Fine, now they'll just stand around adjusting their jockstraps, adjusting the helmets on their giant steroid-enlarged heads. They'll fail to run out a ground ball or a fly ball and demonstrate poor sportsmanship in yelling at the umpire. But they won't be chewing tobacco. Fine.

Meanwhile everyone going into the stadium is wondering if some Muzzie has snuck a backpack of explosives in. They wonder if some jerk who looks like he might be Puerto Rican or Mexican or just a swarthy son of a bitch from Turkey or Greece, is actually a Muslim prick and is suddenly going to pull out a vial of acid, or a switchblade, and do some damage.

A lot of people just don't GO to baseball games anymore, just as they avoid airports or being in crowded subway stations.

But you want stadium personnel to make a priority of checking for people who seem to be chewing tobacco, and spitting on the floor or into a cup?


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